Before you attempt to correct my tone, be aware; I'm not here to be positive. I'm here to do good, and that is not the same thing.

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Food for Thought - Why do you charge money?

I have been asked this question over the years. Why do you charge money to share your gifts?

When you have a plumbing problem that  you can't fix, you call a professional plumber to fix it.

When you have an electrical problem that you can't fix, you call a professional electrician to fix it.

When you are having computer problems that are beyond your skill, you seek the services of a computer technician to fix it.

 When things go wrong and it is beyond your skill to fix them, you call  someone with the correct skills to fix the issues. Period.

Do you expect any of these individuals to work for free? No. That would be ridiculous.

So when asking a person with specialized knowledge and skills to use them to create a better situation or resolve a problem for you you expect to pay them for their time, experience, education and skill.


I am a service provider just like them. I charge for my time and skills. Very specialized skills honed over 20+ years of experience, study, practice, and dedication to my craft.

Just food for thought.

Friday, November 10, 2023

I feel Called to be an Exorcist Too!

Over the years, I have received more than a few inquiries from individuals who feel called to do this Work. 

Here is my response sent via email a few days ago.

Thank you for reaching out.

My first and most honest response is don't do it. The cost, personal, professional, physical and energetic is higher than you can imagine.
Once you start on the path, there are no take backs, no retiring when it becomes too much to handle.  When you are in, you are in to the end and probably beyond.

If you feel compelled to continue, I recommend getting Reiki training to learn how to push and pull energy, daily meditation to strengthen your mind, and physical exercise to strengthen your body.  Find a faith and learn from its teachers. This work will require you to call in help more powerful than you.

Don't trust any teacher who says they know it all.

Adapt your practice to take what works and discard the rest.
Know your limitations and respect them. If you do not you will only hurt yourself AND those you are trying to help.

Again, I strongly recommend picking a different path such as public service or helping at a shelter.

I wish you the best of luck,
A. Bulota

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Permission is the Dividing Line!

 I provide services for those experiencing issues with energies, entities, housing problems etc. of a "supernatural" origin. The goal is identify the causatives and resolve the situation for the good of the client. 

As no two cases are the same the services take many shapes. Some times, its a cleansing and some personal coaching. Sometimes its just some guidance, introduction or modification of existence energetic practices and problem solved. Some cases are resolved quickly, other take months or even years.

There is ONE thing that must happen before I do ANY work. 

I get permission. Period.

Explicit verbal or written permission to do the "Work" on a person place or thing.

There is no, "Well I talked to their higher self and got permission while the permission while the person was asleep, so I did a Reiki treatment on them,"or "I can see what this person needs to get better, so I am just going to do a little energy work on them."


The ONLY THING that keeps energy workers on the side of "Light and Right" is that we acknowledge and respect permission of the individual.

The second you start weaseling around someone's permission and consent to do energy work, you cross the line.  

It may be done with all the good intention in the world, no malice and all love.

It is still wrong. STOP doing it.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Food for Thought - How to be 100% Clean Energetically

If you want to never have to worry about your Energetic Hygiene follow these steps:

1) Don't be a soul incarnated into a body.

2) If you are incarnated into a body never interact with other humans.

3) If you interact with other humans, do not engage in bonding or friendships of any kind.

4) If you engage with other humans and make friendships, do not make yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically vulnerable and authentic.

5) If you must be authentic, genuine and vulnerable in your relationships with other humans, not not touch.  No hugs, hand shakes, hi-fives, snuggles etc.

6) If you must engage in physical contact with others while being your genuine, authentic, engaged and vulnerable self, congratulations, you are fully participating in experiencing this reality and it WILL get messy.

So stop avoiding it or putting it off.  Energetic Hygiene practices are needed just as much as you needing to wash your hair and shower. 

Embrace it and make it part of your daily self-care.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Stop Teaching Bullshit! - Ancestors Know It All!

Many practitioners work with ancestor spirits and encourage their clients to do the same. Those who came before us have life times of wisdom to draw upon and insights to share.  

So does any book on self improvement. 

You can ask your great great grandmother if the ability to see spirits was in the bloodline before she was born.  She will tell you the truth IF she knows it.  But if you ask her if the Source of the magic that came from your father's side due to an ancient ancestor making a pact with a spirit of great power, how in the hell is she going to know?  Does your granduncle know what crypto currency you should invest in? The dude has no clue what you are talking about.

Just because you transition from a physical body, does not give you access to the Akashik record, or God-like wisdom. You do not become Einstein or Hawking just because you croaked.  

Please think.  If your family tradition holds that once you die, you go to Heaven or Hell, what makes you think you can get them on the psychic call?  They have left this dimension and are gone doing the next thing.  So if you contact them, and they have "all the answers you seek", odds are it is not really family, it is something that looks like or feels like your family.  

It's not a revolutionary idea. This theory was even postulated by Madame Blavatsky in the 1800's much to the dismay of other spiritualists and mediums of the day.  She went so far as to say that mediumship was evil. 

I certainly do not think this is the case all the time, it is a possibility.  While some practitioners and their traditions encourage tapping into the bonds of deceased family, it does not mean your staunch Catholic Aunt Ethel wants to reconnect the next time you visit an intuitive for a reading.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Stop Teacing Bullshit! - Shielding

The information being passed on is an echo of a whisper being presented on as cold hard immutable fact. Lessons are clung to from the old man who lived in the desert of the American Southwest and was the active practicing spiritual leader for the tribe and intermediary to the unseen world? 

The world has moved on from the exchange of tangible things to the trade of electronic "content". Knowledge about and interaction with the Unseen world is critical for the "average" person as knowing how to use google,or dial a cell phone.

It is wonderful that there are so many new outlets for the larger universal knowledge and new voices speaking powerful lessons that need to be heard.  The "average" person needs to hear these lessons to life a life in balance with the Unseen.  However the readily available knowledge on spiritual practices offered in the US are watered down mish/mash of multiple traditions, some misquotes from established religions, a heavy dose of personal development lessons from the more popular self help gurus,  all drenched in the reclamation of divine feminine power.  

Does the knowledge of the Old Ones still hold relevance today? 


Does that Elder Knowledge need to be adapted or used to help inform modern practices?

Damn right it does.

Things to NOT DO!

Protection Practices: The thoughts and ways of creating shielding are outdated or down right wrong.

Energetic Shields are great. If you do them right. Most people do not do them right.

All Shields are breakable.  All shields can be penetrated. All shielding makes you a more interesting target.

White Light: (All-purpose protection)  You are flashing the bat signal on your self saying here is a target, come and get it.  Anything in the area that did not know you were there does now.  You are in a spotlight where ever you go from now until the energy dissipates.  Everything watching now knows where you go, who you interact with, what your patterns are and most importantly they can see when the pretty light winks out.

Gold Light: Said to attract archangels. Only only Archangels and energy of the highest good can get through gold light.  Uh, No.  You know who was angel, second in power only to God? You know some other angels were cast out along with that #2 angel right?  Guess what Gold light will not keep any of them out.

Green: Healing, and rejuvenating. Used when you are sick or ill. Uh, it is impossible to do that with your own energy without causing yourself harm

Lead Shield: Uh, what? Lead stops radiation. It is also poisonous to humans.

Mirrored Ball: Imagine walking down the street tacking in a beautiful sunny afternoon, thinking about where to stop for a bite to eat.  You see a human sized mirrored sphere next to a food truck.  The other people in line are talking to the sphere like it is a person.  Is your curiosity aroused? Do you approach the sphere to figure out what is going on?  Do you listen to try and figure out what is happening? Does trying to understand the sphere become your sole focus for a few moments?  Probably yes to all of the above.  Guess what?  That is exactly what energetic predators see.  You stand out like mad.

Most folks do not have the practice, focus or patience to make shields THAT WORK. 

The folks that do have the ability to create solid shielding are also adept at controlling and masking their own energy.  They don't wander the streets as a open Medium running up to strangers.  They don't on the spot readings.  

They are low key.  They don't have to flaunt what they do.  They just do it.

If you want to create energetic shield worth a damn, you need to master your own energy first.

Friday, February 24, 2023

There is no way to change the world, so why bother? or Why Magic is still valid today.

 First off, I call BULLSHIT!

If you change yourself you create change in the world around you.  Your thoughts, actions and vibe interact with the world around you.  Period.

That is nice you say, but what does it matter when the environment is collapsing, wars are raging, new pandemics are on the horizon, food scarcity is spreading and you can't find a job to cover rent?

The answer is magic.  When humans put their minds to solving a problem, answers come.  The more humans the faster the answers.  The same applies to the larger problems in the world.  There are multiple studies where a group of individuals changed the behavior of people in entire city areas.  

Oh that is New Age Mumbo jumbo you say.  Is is all recent rose colored stories by biased media sources. No.  Please read the article here from the US Department of Justice from 1981 or this one from the New York Times in 1993. 

The energy people generate does change reality.  The ability to collect, harness and shape energy is also known as magic.

Magic changes the world everyday.

So what are you going to use your magic to change?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stop Teaching Bullshit! - I can teach ANYONE to Castout Spirits!

Um. No.

Let me put it this way.  Can you as a person, right now, slam dunk a basketball on a regulation net?  Probably not. If I show you how to dunk a basketball, does witnessing me dunk a basketball make you capable of dunking?  No.  If a sports scientist explains in immense detail the body mechanics, the physics, the anatomical functions and the technique required for a person to successfully dunk a basketball can you now dunk a basketball? No.  If you have a stadium full of people believing and cheering you on can you now dunk a basketball? Probably not. With sport specific training a few years of dedication and one on one coaching could you dunk a basketball? Possibly.  But probably not.

There are things that no matter how hard you visualize the outcome or train or practice or have coaching sessions about, you can not physically do.  The same goes with energy work. As a soul piloting a body to experience this reality, the potential of your body is also a limiting factor on your ability to move energy outside of your own body.

You can train and expand your ability to your maximum potential, but there will be a hard limit.  If you try to push past that limit, you can cause damage to your systems.  Things such as headaches, Light worker Flu, diminishing of abilities or body tremors are good signs you have pushed too far and too hard. Most of the time, slowing down and decreasing the intensity of you work will allow you to regain your health and abilities.  If by some trick or technique, you do push past your absolute limits, you risk permanent loss of energy manipulation abilities, irreparable physical damage or death. (Psychic feed back from unwilling and stronger beings and surges are a real thing.)

While this might not gel well with the story you wish to create of your life, it is important to realize everyone has limitations. Everyone also has specialties.  You may never pick up the back end of a car but you may paint a fantastic still life that brings joy. You may not be able to cast out a demon from a client, but you may be able to use reiki techniques to release your own trauma to be the best you possible.

Lean into your strengths and get creative. You can use your energy to make the world a better place.


Food for Thought - All Doom All the Time!

Well. Because it is.  This is reality.  The really real world we all co-habitate is a shitty place. There is chaos and destruction and impending doom as far as the eye can see. You are absolutely right in seeing the world this way. 

I am not going to say that the war in Ukraine is good or that it should be ignored.  I am not saying the rattling of sabers regarding nukes is makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  I am not saying that the Rise of the Religious Right Nationalists should be welcomed in the US and abroad.  Starvation. Famine. Disease. Plague. Yup it may as well be the 16th century again recorded on a Go-Pro for many.

It. Is. All. Fucked.

So what are you going to do about it?  "Not a damn thing" you say, "because the problems are too big and far reaching."  You shout there is no point in doing anything beyond wailing and gnashing of teeth awaiting the impending doom from indestructible pig hybrids from Canada, or the Singularity taking control of all WiFi enabled devices or some ego-maniacal Russian F#ck Stick, (Yeah Putin I curse you and your spawn) or China and North Korea Playing Dumb Games.

I say "Get Fucked."  Yes I said that to you.

Stop wasting your energy and time running in circles. Make a Fucking Choice and Do Something!


What are YOU going to do instead of wasting energy worrying about things you can not control? Donate your resources to an ethical charity doing good works in your community.  No such organization.  Then Make One. Make a stack of sandwiches and pass them out to any one holding a sign saying they are hungry. Make blessing bags and pass them out (Bottle of water, 3-4 non-persiable snacks, 2 pairs of new socks and a couple of heavy duty large trash bags in a gallon Ziplock bag)  No cash?  Donate your time at a soup kitchen. Give your coat to the person begging on the corner. Shovel your neighbors walkway when it snows.  Got left overs you can't finish. Box them up and give it to someone in need.

Very few of us have the ability to create massive change, but every single one of us has the ability to help another human being even if it is to give them a genuine warm smile.

Food For Thought


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Food for Thought - Stop Making Things Worse!

 I was told by a friend and colleague to watch a "reality" show. I was hesitant due to the title but I gave it a go. During the middle of the first episode of season 2, I was dumbstruck.  End of the Second episode I was really getting worked up. Half way through the Third Episode (Season 1 Episode 1), I turned it off because I was yelling at the TV.  

I thought about what to do.  Should I just let it slide? Should I reach out to the producers of the show to offer to help? Would it be wise to call the show out by name?  Could this cause drama in my professional life?  Might this turn away potential clients?

I meditated on the issue to reach a solution.

Bullshit is bullshit and I am tired of seeing idiots make money putting people in danger.

Time for my happy butt to step up on a Soap Box. Again.

The show is Murder House Flip.  The show changes the cosmetics of dwelling where homicide(s) occurred to help the current home owners make it their own.  That is good. Establishing ownership is very important when changing the energy of a place.  You need make it your own.

Given the amount the hosts and residents commented on the feel and energy of the place was negative, what did they do about it? Nothing was mentioned about clearings, cleansing by the staff of the show. Oh sure they took out the blood soaked floor and threw it away.  Did they get rid of all the trauma attached to the studs and joists?  Did they think to cleanse everything that was removed so it did not just spread its contained hate an madness at the dump or recycling center?  (I did see one couple say they burned sage and said some prayers when they first moved in.)  I saw no indication of energy clearing anywhere.

So, the show employees come in, knock out walls, rip up floors and replace fixtures. And removes all of the layers of energy and ownership the family has built up while living there, while stirring up all of the dormant energies and entities. And introduces the stress of the workers and production staff operating under a 5 day deadline. 

The family is grateful and happy at the change in the house but oblivious that the underlying problems may well have been exacerbated.

Yeah, I am sure nothing will go wrong.

Food For Thought


Screw you @Murder House Flip producers, your ignorance and your arrogance.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Food for Thought - Mental Health and Demons

Mental illness and entity oppression go hand in hand.


Entities, like any other predator, will go for the easiest food.  (click here for more information)

If there are natural instabilities in the physical systems (chemical imbalances, seizures (electrical storms in the brain) etc) then it is easier for beings made of pure energy to influence or even temporarily hijack the mind and body of an individual.

The world is jacked up.  The more people come to that realization, with the Great Pause during the pandemic) the more it affects their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.  How does one cope with the the feelings of futility?  Drugs.

Doctors prescribe SSRIs to people who are fighting dispair & depression.  People self medicate with alcohol & marijuana just to get thru another day.  People abusing pharmaceuticals or those looking to get lost in opium, heroin. 

All of these people's mental health is suffering.  All of these people are turning to external substances to help. All of these people are risking hitting the Chemical Eject button to escape from their pain. And that makes for a VERY inviting food source and temporary host for energetic predators.

Am I saying don't have fun? No.  Am I saying you should engage in risky behaviour? No.  Am I saying to not take your Doctor prescribed meds? NO.

What I am saying is that when people are hurting they can attract entities.  If you "check out" to cope you are vulnerable.  If you are aware of your vulnerablilty, then you can take steps to be safe.

Take the safest meds you can to regulate the pain. Regain your balance. Regain your strength. Regain your focus. Regain your Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual health.

Just be careful how, when and where you cut loose.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Deep Dive - The Balance is Broken

This is not a philosophical musing.  It is an observation made over 20+ years.  For ease of communication, please assume "good" means something in alignment with the highest and greatest good of humanity, "neutral" is indifferent towards humanity and "bad" is in opposition to the good of humanity. And yes I see you in the back saying "wait a minute, but what about this specific example?"  To communicate the ideas as easily as possible we are going to use the broad paint brush of generalities.

Older traditions of magic were built around a self correcting homeostatic balance model of existence.  It was taught that there were good things, neutral things and bad things.  That there were safe places, neutral places and dangerous places. There were right ways and wrong ways of doing things.  Sometimes the light had the upper hand, sometimes the dark had the upper hand but it was always in a see saw balance.  Life was life hard at times, great at others but you got a relatively even shot at living it how you chose with minimal interference from the Unseen.  That is not the case any more.

There are an increasing number of "bad" entities interacting with the humans. This has thrown off the balance between "Good" and "Bad" and tipped the scales to the negative side.

Think about it for a minute. There has been an ramping up in the Unseen world interacting with our "Reality" since the early 2000s.  More ghost signings, more UFOs, more paranormal activity and more interactions with bad entities.  So much so that there has been a marked increase in need for spiritual assistance to deal with negative forces across all faiths.  For example, the Catholic Church does not have enough exorcists to meet the increasing demand.  

There are more bad entities about now feeding on the negative emotions of people. With this increase in entity presence the more severe situations become more common.  (I have personally dealt with entire low-income housing complexes and apartment buildings oppressed by negative entities. And the need has increased in the past 5 years.)

Okay fine. Why is this happening now and not before?

Point 1 - Population Explosion due to increase in agricultural technology.  More cheaper food lead to an increase in the sustainable human population. More humans equal more food.

Point 2 - Over the last century advances in travel technologies have lead to a great number of people moving around the planet and interacting with people in far away places.  The world is one flight away for many people.  Think about the "average business person" for a moment. Focused on success at their specific business en-devour. They travel across the country and across the world selling, buying, meeting and interacting with a myriad of people. How many practice any kind of energetic cleansing rituals?  Every one of those individuals is a potential host to an entity.

Point 3 -  Increase in people passing thru bad places, picking up bad things.  The native population knows the valley is cursed and stays away.  Then one day a foreign military force uses that valley to move undetected.  Highly stressed emotionally charged combatants walking right through the living space of the bad things that live in the valley.  Human emotion for consumption delivered hot and fresh to your door.

(ex. About a decade ago, I had a client, a loquacious former Naval E.O.D officer.  Based upon the attachments on his person, I told him some of the places he had been during his 20 years service.  He would neither confirm nor deny my accuracy for security reasons, but he got VERY quiet when I named some specific places and specific times.)

Point 4 - Humans are physically different than 100 of even 50 years ago.  Plastics in our food, hormones in the water, GMOs that do not increase the nutrition of the food, pesticides on our grass.  Humans are being assaulted on all physical fronts with harmful interactions that disrupt our over all functionality.

Point 5 - Human perception is slanted to the negative right now.  People in general, especially since the pandemic live in a constant state of underlying dread. The constant connectedness provided by the internet and wi-fi are skewed to increase fear, drama and (viewership and profits) is contributing to the problem little is created to inform or educate without crating more conflict or agitation in the consumer.  Consumption of social media is often referred to as "Doom Scrolling" for a reason. This creates a population distracted by cyberspace and ripe with negative emotion.

Point 6 - Humans are disconnected from nature. How many folks never leave the concrete jungle.  Urban sprawl has taken away the green space and reduced the ability for humans to flush negativity form the system and reset.

Point 7 - There are new things here that don't care about the "Rules". Y2K did not bring the melt down of all technology.  Due to large populations and their combined belief and fear, it did usher in a New Age, but not for the better.  Add fear of the 2012 change and all hell has broken loose.  Instabilities in the Veil have allowed easier passage of things.

A new species of thing has arrived and it does not care about the balance or the rule of free will. They adapt and hunt freely far and wide.

Point 8 - Traditional practices have not adapted to the shifted paradigm of the human physiology and world around us. Many practitioners I have encountered acknowledge the increase in bad entities and their influence on clients.  But their tradition does not address entities that were not present in our reality 50 years ago.Click here for more info.

Food for Thought - Your Shielding Does Nothing

Good. I got your attention.  Now read on.

Practitioners create energetic shielding around themselves to augment their standard auric field.  Various traditions and visualizations are used with varying effectiveness. It does not matter how good or bad it is, he truth is simple.  Your shielding fails the second you touch someone.

Touch trumps all shielding.

When you reach out to shake a hand, bump a fist or hi five or hug another person, you willingly allowed them past all your defenses and gave them direct contact with the energies of your physical and energetic body.

People whose auras are strong and have no holes in the exterior layer or "Bubble", will have little to no issue with this.  These people are very few and far between in these modern times.  To many, physical, mental, geo-pathic and energetic stresses and not enough time in nature leave them with out of balance and weakened Auric and energetic fields. 

Now, take into account that many practitioners are wounded healers. Some wounds may never heal in this life time and the wounds and scars can be weak points.

So if you have healed all your trauma, are 100% balanced and in tune with all of the Universe, congratulations, you have just become and Ascended master like the Buddha or Jesus and are not reading this right now.

The rest of the population is flawed, unbalanced and cracked and in a constant state of growth and death and rebirth while riding an emotional roller coaster on meth. That is perfect. That means that they are doing it right because that is what humans are meant to be doing here! Humans are meant to experience and evolve. Neither process is easy or controlled and leaves lots of stretches and tears in our energetic bubble.

That also means that no matter how well you shield yourself, when you make physical contact, what ever that person is AND what ever is in, on or around them has direct access to you.

Food for Thought


Food for Thought - Evangelical Religious Right Spellcasters

Follow along for a minute.

A spell is a spoken or written pronouncement intended to bring about a specific effect.To cast is to cause to move by throwing. To intentionally put that energy out into the universe.  

Prayer is intentionally sending your energy and intention to create or influence a specific outcome. (Yes I know prayers for intecetion are in the grey area because they ask for a Higher Power, in It's Wisdom and Mercy, to help do a thing if it is in accordance with It's divine plan. We are talking about hate prayer here. Simple as that.)

Prayer = Spell-casting

Prayer with a malicious intent, to harm or to control the thoughts, actions, etc of another = Negative Spell-casting

Negative spell-casting is Black Magik and is very very frowned upon.

Please scan the recent headlines.  Protest Here.Violence there.  Backwards Laws showing Religious Idealogical Favoritism and exclusion and censorship of thought and ideas that do not toe the line. Praying for the down fall or harm of individuals or groups of people that do not agree or support their ideology.

Hate and intolerance spewed from the pulpit and the sheeple in the pews lap it up as if it mana delivered by angelic messenger from the lips of God.  The rise of the Right Wing Evangelical Christian movement has all the earmarks of a Destructive Cult.  It has wormed it's way into politics and then causes laws to be written in alignment with intolerance and hate.  Physical conflict instigated by professed members of this movement shuts down all discourse with a "Might makes Right" stance.

And then there is the "Prayer".  One person leads the congregation into an agitated emotional and mental state.  The leader focuses the thought and emotions of those people towards a specific person or group. The leader makes repetitive and escalating comments to insight more emotion from the group. Often saying statements such as, "It is God's will that these people must be cast out straight to Hell!" or "They are an ambomination to God's Law and must put to the Lord's judgement!" The response is cheers and shouts of "Amen" from the group. 

When the passions of the group are at the zenith, the leader calls for the group to "Bow your heads in prayer". Silence falls and the leader speaks, calling into focus the worst "Sinners" and expressing what should happen to these individuals or groups.

Summoning energy from a large group.  Focusing it.  Selecting a Target.  Intending harm to be the result. Then releasing all of that focused energy like a homing missile.

That sounds like some Straight up Black Magik bullshit to me.

Food for Thought



Friday, February 3, 2023

Food For Thought - I Can Do It Myself!

Doctors make the worst patients.  Everyone has heard that phrase.  And there is truth there.  Doctors are by and large very knowledgeable, very experienced and have had to make life and death decisions regarding patients on a semi regular basis.  It is a ridiculous pressure cooker sleep deprived stress all of a journey JUST to get the MD, before they can start working.

This also creates an air of superiority to other professionals.  Some even develop a "God Complex" because they have the ability to perform amazing procedures.  On average Doctors are viewed as the experts in the Room (I hear my nurse friends laughing).  And as such, Doctors do not like to have their opinion questioned or second guessed.

So when Doctors have a personal problem they often ignore it since they know best. If the problem persists, they may self diagnose and take the "Usually Prescribed Steps" to correct the issue. When they finally accept something may be wrong and outside of their control (usually it is family pushing them to do this in my experience), they must check their Ego and seek assistance from another doctor.  Usually they seek an expert or specialist in that field since by title and focus this physician knows more about the issues than other doctors.

Does any of this sound wrong?  I think most of you reading this will agree this is about how it plays out.

If you would for a moment, re-read the frist three paragraphs and replace Doctor and Physician with any type of Energy-worker (Medium, Card Reader, Medical Intuitive, Psychic etc.).

Food for Thought


Friday, January 27, 2023

Deep Dive for Energy Workers - Entities as Energetic Predators

As Energy-Workers the reality of the Unseen is just that, Reality.  While interacting with the Spaces and place of the Unseen ,  many of you may encounter things that react and sometimes interact with you.  Depending upon your experience and your modality of initiation you may have many different names for these things. 
For the purpose of this article an entity is a singular non corporeal, sentient and self aware beings exist.  As individual beings they need to self sustain. Various beings use various sources of "food".  In our physical world, the creatures of the animal kingdom can be herbivore, omnivore or carnivore.  The same goes for the denizens of the Unseen Realms.  Some of these beings consume emotional and mental energy given off by humans.  As with animals, there are varying degrees Intelligence in these beings.  Some are as smart as slugs, others like ravens able to problem solve and work in teams and some smarter than humans.  The lower level beings just eat what is there and follow the food around.  The higher level actively search out food that is desirable.  The highest level seeks very specific energies to consume.  The mindset of the predator is key.  By this I mean entities will expend the least amount of energy possible, while staying as safe as possible while attempting to get the greatest gain possible. Ex. A panther waits in hiding for an easy target and waits to strike until the odds are in its favor.

I have found that different "types" prefer a particular "flavor to their food". Most prefer negative emotions.  Joy is intense and fleeting.  Sorrow, regret, self loathing.  These are the emotions that can last a lifetime.  The more complicated and negative the emotional mix, the more it attracts the "smartest" ones.  These entities will prioritize a target(s) and focus all of their attention there.  These entities can and on occasion will manipulate the thoughts and actions of their target to reinvigorate the production of these emotions.

Biological imbalances inherited by birth (genetic, chemical, structural etc) leave people predisposed to experiencing and focusing on the negative.  Some inherited imbalances can also cause a biological predisposition towards mental illness (depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia etc).
Most folks born into a family with predisposition to mental illness do not have a safe, stable or healthy upbringing.

So a person is predisposed to seeing and feeling the negative most of the time and not having the biological ability to self regulate their emotional and mental state is exposed to often repeated traumatic events growing up.  This creates a cycle of mental and emotional processes that can express themselves in extreme ways, through action and communication.

Remember what I said about entities liking a specific food and having a predatory mindset?  Some home in on those humans who are experiencing the worst case scenarios and never let go.  Yes this means there are some Entities that will stay "attached" to a family line picking off and feeding on the easiest targets generation after generation in a spreading family tree.

Next is entity interaction with its food.  Life experience can create triggers of thoughts, actions and emotions that are disproportionate to the current stimulus. This is often due to the survival response created by repeated exposure to trauma. This creates superhighways of responses in a person.  These superhighways connect our brains and memories to our energetic fields usually at the physical location of the trauma.  (Our bodies store emotion as an energetic code.  Some refer to them as trigger points or anchor points.  Modalities such as massage or reiki can trigger the emotional response stored in the energetic fields and help release them.) 

Beings made of energy that manipulate energy can manipulate the energetic codes (thoughts, memories, stored emotions) of humans to their advantage.  A person who has inherited biologically unstable energetic systems is an easy target for manipulation of emotion and memory.  Add in the history of trauma creating "anchor points" everywhere in that persons fields and you have the easiest target of all.

The predator concept also accounts for why clearings do not "Stick" for some people or places. 

Common Scenario #1- Entities will leave an attachment point or two in the client and simply step away instead of fighting the practitioner.  The symptoms abate for a time.  The entity follows the client using the anchor points, and when the coast is clear the symptoms slowly return as the entity moves back in to feed.

Common Scenario #2 An entity is removed from the client.  The client is now entity free and has all sorts of debris.  The practitioner clears up the debris and the client is pronounced clear. The practitioner may not have been taught or does not know how to look for that specific type(s) of anchor points the entities use, so they can be removed.  (Also, due to the traumas of the client, the anchors may be non removable.)  If the client returns to the same places and to the same habits that exposed them to the entity in the first place they are vulnerable.  Another entity with a similar taste in energetic flavor will just plug into those un-removed, unhealed anchor points and the client now has an entity again.

Just something to consider.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Food for Thought - Stop Thinking, Stop Meditating, Stop Healing

How much time do you spend in your head contemplating, meditating, working through trauma and healing?  How much effort do you put into thinking, expansion and integration of your mind and soul?  How time do you spend mulling over your fear and frustration?

Just Fucking Stop!  Stop running in the hamster wheel of your mind and heart.

Stop focusing on what is broken, what is torn, what was lost and what is lacking.

Too much time is spent "with our head in the clouds" and not enough time in fully present in our bodies.

Take a damn break.

Just breathe.  Just. Breathe.  Just.... Breathe.

Be present in the moment.  You are here in this place at this time. You are enough. 

Be present in your body with no thought or judgement.

Just be.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

So what is MY story?

I will be completely honest with you. This is not some silly "OOOO Spooky Man of Mystery" thing. 

I keep myself to myself to stay safe.  Once you do the Work, the world gets a good deal more "exciting".

I will some basics on my life and some pertinent details of the energy work career.

I am stubborn. I grew up in the Midwest.  I was a boy-scout. I was an Altar boy.  I was raised at the poverty to lower working class level.  I hate bullies.  I went to collage and got a degree. I worked as a Bouncer in Detroit in the early 2000s.  I moved out west for a fresh start.  

One night I was convinced, under duress, to go Ghost hunting by a friend and his intuitive wife.  Some one I love was attacked by Unseen forces.  Instinctively, I hit back. Hard.  The attacks on my loved one abated.  We left and got some chocolate ice-cream to help get rid of the headache and shakes.

And that is when shit got real.

Later with some lessons from the friend and his wife, I learned how many things I did wrong, how dangerous what I did was and that I should learn to focus on being much more careful in the future.  I started meditating, working on my control over energy blah, blah, blah. I had no clue how real the problems would become.

At some point I was asked to help a friend of a friend who was spiraling out of control.  I said I would see what I could do.  With no real clue what I was doing, I remotely removed an ancient entity from the person.  (The person would later become one of the most effective shamanic healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with.)  It process took me 4 hours of real time, left me physically shaking, emotionally depleted and energetically rocked. But it was successful. 

I was able to help a person turn their life around and be who they were meant to be.  I felt excitement and also peace at what I had done. But I was mentally scared from the experience.

Fast forward a few years and many more referrals for the Work.  My skill set improved and my process streamlined.  I was able to do more for more people all while holding down a grueling job with lots of overtime.

I kept doing the Work for clients. I also began doing clearings of energetically troubled areas. Not for a client, but just to get rid of the bad stuff in that place.  

Then the push back came. They were little things at first. Minor physical issues that I chalked it up to fatigue and stress.  Odd interactions with strangers while out shopping, like being stared at as if I had two heads or more common blank stares like no one is home.

Summary of the following 15+ years. 

Job changes. Life changes. Increase in Energy-work. Increase in personal energetic attacks. Hospitalization. Increase in Energy-work. PTSD symptoms develop. Stabbed in the leg.  More Energy-work. Lungs fried. Pulmonary system shutting down. Break from Energy-work. Depression. Fellow Energy-workers experiencing similar random negative events from Energy-work related backlash. Rebuilding of physical body. Depression and PTSD. Rebuilding of Energetic systems. Rebuilding of personal Energy-Work process. Test. Increase in Energy-Work with new processes. Rebuilding of mental systems. Work. Easier resolutions.  Test new techniques. Process failure doing Energy-work. Hit by a car in a well lit parking lot. (Dude didn't even stop to see it I was okay.)  Rework process. Get help with Depression and PTSD. Improve myself. End of Dark Decade of the Soul. Train. Learn. Teach. Work. Train. Learn. Teach. Work.




Here is the real truth.

Who I am really does not matter. 

If you need help or want to learn, I am here. 

All that matters is that the Work gets done.


Quietus Ltd.



Monday, January 23, 2023

Food for Thought - Keep Your Energy to Yourself! pt. 1

You want to go out and do good, but you are always tired and have no motivation.  


You are not a bottomless well of compassion energy.  You are a infinite being yes.  But right now, you are a part of a soul confined to a human body. There is a finite amount of you available at any one time.  Stop spreading yourself everywhere!

Think of it this way. 

How much blood are you allowed to donate at one time? About 500 ml or around 10% of the total blood in the human body.  How often are you allowed to donate blood? Every 56 days.  It takes almost 2 months to remake or regain 10% of you blood.

Assuming you are a part time practitioner, how often do you send "Healing Energy" a week outside of work?  How many times do you send heart energy out to a struggling friend?  How many times What practices do you do to regain and rebuild that energy?  How often do you do you do those practices realistically?  Do you even have practices in place with the focus to rebuild your energy?

If your compassionate self is constantly giving, giving, giving to everything, what is left for you?

Food for Thought


What to Expect When You Contact Me

     My standard process for new clients begins with the client contacting me.  I ask them to fill out a questionnaire regarding their specific situation and return it.  After it is reviewed, I set up a half hour phone consultation to finalize the specific bench marks of resolution and to get any additional information. There is no charge for the Intake Review or the 1/2 hour phone consultation.

    Once the client chooses to retain my services, a non-refundable deposit is paid to begin the process. I then take a few days to examine the situation more in depth energetically and determine the root problem(s) and causes of the situation.  I follow up with the client if more clarification is required.

    Next I provide the client with an Energetic Needs/Threat Assessment via email.  There is a follow up via phone to discuss which offered services the client would like, the cost of those services and to answer any questions that may come up. If the client decides they do not want my services, there are no additional charges, the clients keeps the assessment and we part ways. 
    If the client decides to retain my services, I require half of my fee (minus the initial deposit) upfront and half upon completion. Once the payment is received, I contact the client to set up a time to do the work.  I also provide the client with a Post Energetic Intervention Report listing possible side effects and their remedies in writing via email, so you know what you can expect.

    The day after services have been provided, I will do a follow up call and provide you with a list of aftercare recommendations based upon the specifics of the work that was done. Once the other half of payment is received, I provide 30 days of follow up support/aftercare to ensure the work was effective.

    PLEASE NOTE - You must make sure to do your own spiritual work and take responsibility for your own well being.  You must make all efforts to ensure you are no longer an attractive target for any other energetic predators after services have been provided.  This may/will require work on your part and outside assistance from other light-workers who specialize in healing.  (Ex. I clean and sanitize you.  If you choose to resume playing in the same toxic dump you swam in before the cleaning and sanitizing, you will need to cleansed and sanitized all over again.  There are people who can help you learn not to swim in toxic dumps and you need to retain there services to keep clean and healthy.)

    To be crystal clear, I holistic health practitioner who specializes in protection from and removal of negative/harmful entities.  I make the monsters in your life go away, if I am given permission AND the you provide an agreed upon energetic exchange (payment for services rendered).  The reason is two fold.   First is to demonstrate you are earnest in accepting a dramatic change in your personal energetic paradigm.  Second, it allows me to continue to offer these services and support the Light-worker community.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Food for Thought - Spiritual Beer Goggles

Most supernatural beings dealt with in the Energy Worker community are invisible to the naked eye.  What is know about the nature of these beings is how they choose to present themselves to the human intermediary.  That bit in the middle is critical.  How they choose to present themselves. The beings of energy are just like humans. They can put forward the face they want you to see.  The energetic beings are just as smart as any human, and sometimes smarter (Florida man anyone).

Most folks see what they are shown without much questioning.  The same goes for the spiritual world.

ALL Information physical or energetic is altered by a persons perspective.  Their unique personal lens brings into focus all that they perceive. And a persons perspective is shaped by how they were taught.  If you were taught that everything in the Aether that comes to interact with you is friendly and helpful, you will move forward with a calm welcoming disposition. This will most likely remain the way you perceive the world because it is core to your learning.  But rose colored glasses do not change the actual facts of the worlds.

Are the senses of an intuitive are more precise than the average person? Yes.  Does this make intuitives less susceptible to false information and being tricked by a "pretty face"?  Yes.  Does it mean intuitives are infallible? No. 

If you really want to help yourself. please remove the bias from how you see the worlds.  If you are an intuitive, to be of greatest service to your clients you can not afford to always look on and only share the things that live on the bright side of life.

Life in all places is great.  Life in all places is horrific.  But mostly life in all places just is. Life is indifferent to you and just keeps rolling along. That is okay as well. 

You may choose to focus your attention on the good in your life. You may choose to see the best in everyone. More power to you.  Actively ignoring warning signals and signs of danger is not going to help you in the least. (Do you ignore the Do Not Walk signal at a busy intersection because you only good things come your way?)

Please take off your Spiritual Beer Goggles, look around and act accordingly.

Food For Thought


Food for Thought - Sit your Ghost Hunting ass down, NOW.

Please. Please. Please. Stop making stupid choices.

The Deluge of Reality TV series focusing on the paranormal is baffling to me.  From the original In Search Of series to the modern Ghost Hunters and the newer series focused around celebrities such as Jack Osbourne or Ke$sha I find my head hurting.

Scary shit sells. I get it. Watching "experts" on TV explore places rumored to have witnessed horrible events can be exciting, tense or depending on the editing, hilariously stupid.

The shows have people running scared or finding "proof" or some such nonsense.  They show the "team" recording and doing what ever they do to stir things up to get a response.  Findings are shared with the viewer.  And then the "Ghost Hunters" are off to the next location looking for proof. 

REALITY CHECK - Entities are hungry.  They like to snack on energy.  High emotions and drama are like crack rock to some of them.  Also, as a general rule, they will do the least amount of work to get the the most amount of food.  So they spook the kids.  Children dump huge amounts of emotional energy.  The kids get the parents all worried.  The entity feeds on everyone there. As the family calms down, the entity does something else.  As the family gets more and more agitated, the more food it can consume.  

This goes on until one day a group of paranormal investigators show up. The cast and the crew now contribute to the tension the family feels and it is a buffet for the entity.  This huge burst of emotion may even attract new entities from the surrounding area.  The entities don't have to waste their energy interacting.  They just have to hang out and watch.  (Have you ever been fishing?  If you have, you know the feeling when the fish are there, they just don't want to bite.) So all these things are gorging themselves on the hype and fear.  Nothing is "recorded" because the entities don't want to interact.  This freaks the family out even more.  (They don't want to be perceived as crazy.)  The cast and crew move on.  The family is an emotional wreck.  The entity still feeds.  Eventually the food dwindles as the family gets back to "normal", so the entity goes after the kids again.  The cycle repeats.

So what if the Ghost hunters leave and the problems go away?  Well where did the entity go?  Did it pass on to the next reality?  Did it go back to Hell?  Uh, no.  It just hoped a ride on one of the cast or crew to the next place.

Paranormal investigators want to believe. They want all supernatural stuff to be really real.  They want proof to back up their beliefs.  Why do the investigators treat the denizens of the Aetheric as harmless puffs.  Beings with no set lifespan that have figured out how to interact with our reality, some to the point of causing physical harm, and these "experts" treat entities like insects or simpletons.  Yet the investigators show up like they are invincible.  

Yeah, just like swimming in shark infested waters with an open bleeding wound is safe because sharks can't really hurt you.

Food for Thought


#dumbass #paranormalinvestigators #playdumbgamesgetdumbprizes


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Food for Thought - So I walked into Biker Bar and started Cussing them out...

Seriously, would you walk past parked rows of Harley Davidson motorcycles, into a bar filled with large tattoo and leather covered individuals and start talking shit?  

No?  Why not? Because you are not a total dumb-ass.  Because you have heard enough stories to know this is probably a dangerous location filled with dangerous individuals.

The Adage of "As Above So Below" has multiple accepted interpretations.  One is that the Unseen realms (Aetheric, Astral, Multiple Dimensions, Multiple Realities etc) mirror our visible reality.  Treat the Spiritual World as you would the "real world".  All have things that like and will help you.  All have things that don't like and will not help you.  All of them have things that do not care and just go about their business.

So why exactly would you think it is wise to talk shit to the things of the Unseen like you are the baddest thing in this reality?  Yes you have a body. Yes you have dominion over your place in this reality.  But just like those Bikers, somethings don't care and will stomp you into paste. Why purposefully antagonize them?

Food For Thought


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Food For Thought - Why I Hate Horror Movies

Scary shit sells.  Horror movies, novels, comics, games etc are and have been a bankable IP for years.  It is not really a surprise.  The interest in and sharing of "Spooky Stories" and "Urban Legends" has been with humans since time immemorial.  Humans seem  fascinated, enamored and at times addicted to the thrills and scares offered by the exploration of the edges of the known world. Most of the popular fairy stories known now, began as much grimmer, darker tales. Most were hyperbolic exaggerations meant to teach fear based lessons on morality or common sense personal safety.  Some of the tales were oral traditions of actual events or things that should be avoided at all costs. 

Since the early 2000s there has been an uptick in the supernatural horror film genre.  Films such as fictional Paranormal Activity inspired a new wave of interest in the "Real Supernatural".  Then came the Conjuring.  Based on the lives and reports of real people (Ed and Elain Warren).  Next thing you know the movie studio has made over 1.5 billion dollars on the success of the expanding universe.

Here is the problem.  Some of the stuff shown in those films is a little too accurate.  The reality of these items resonate at a core level to most humans. They recognize the "something is not right" of these images, items and characters at their core. Some of the items should not be shared.  Some of the items should be locked away, burned or dropped in an abandoned mine.  Why?

Allow me to provide an example.  An symbol is used in the film.  It is a symbol found online from a 400 year old occult tome.  The symbol was used as a focus to contact a particular entity.  The symbol has not been used by anyone for 400 years.  As beings of the Aetheric have longer, some times near infinte life spans, the symbol still has a link to the original "thing". The symbol with active link is used in a movie. People see the movie.  The symbol is presented during times of high stress and emotion for the audience.  The symbol and its connection is in close proximity to large amounts of emotional energy in the form of anxiety, surprise and fear.  The movie is being shown multiple times a day, on thousands of screens across just America.  The emotions of the all the audience members attract the attention of the long dormant entity. The movie does well and is shown for an extended run. The entity is getting fed as has not in centuries. As a being that is able to exists in multiple places at the same time, the entity draws itself via the connection to the symbol to all of the places the movie is being shown.

The entity is feeding and happy.  As the movie run comes to an end the entity is confused and hungry.  It notices a person giving off loads of emotional energy.  It gathers itself to one location and hops a ride on that one person.

And now there is a big nasty Thing, running around unchecked and feeding. The more it feeds the stronger it gets.  The stronger it gets, the more influence it has over people.  The more influence over people, the more power to spread that influence to more people.  

Badness ensues with no one the wiser.  All done in the pursuit of making "entertainment".

Food for Thought

A. Bulota

Friday, January 13, 2023

Executive Level Services

The future of the company hinges on your decision, on your ability to think clearly, to be the visionary leader.  This is not a duty that rests lightly on your shoulders. You push harder and for longer with the goal of being the best at all times.

What makes you different than others is not just your drive and dedication. Over time you have learned to trust your gut.  By letting your finely honed instincts in reading people and situations guide be your trusted guides, you have risen through the ranks.

But try as you might, there are certain times, places or people that throw you off your game.  You feel off kilter during an important meeting or you are unreasonably uncomfortable in a place that you must be in for continued success.  But you push on, despite headaches, nausea or fatigue.

This is one of the drawbacks to possessing your finely tuned senses.  You have become hyper aware of your environment. All of the subtle clues ignored by most can become as overwhelming as all the lights on the Las Vegas strip to you.  But how to keep those senses and clear out the background clutter of information?

Simple, delegate it to the professionals.  Quietus Ltd has developed various proprietary techniques to alter and adjust any given space to the benefit of its Executive  level clients. No bells, no whistles, no gongs or drums. Just discrete, efficient and effective processes run by them, to keep you operating at your maximum efficiency.

Some of the services available to Executive Level Clients: 

        - Priority Access to our Team and services. 

        - Energetic Cleansing of Offices, Hotels, Boardrooms and Off-Site Conferences. 

         - Energetic Cleansing, Balancing and Shielding of your personal energetic fields to keep you                     focused, reduce stress and operating at peak efficiency. 

          - Creation of Energetic "Safe Havens" for your "Pressure Cooker" meetings.  These clean out all              of the energetic funk of a place and fill it with "Good Vibes."  Employing this service promotes              cooperation, level headedness and problem solving in all those present.  This encourages better              more advantageous solutions faster, freeing you up to move onto your next meeting, function or              round of golf.

                V.I.P. Energetic Protection Services are available locally and globally 24 hours a day 

           Due to the level of care provided we offer this service to a limited number of V.I.Ps.

                                    Please contact Quietus Ltd for availability.

Definition of Terms


Terms - The purpose of this section is to clearly define some of the terms and concepts used in our work.

Clearing, Energetic -  The purpose of Energetic clearing is to clear basic debris and realign anything out of place in the energetic fields of a person place or thing.  Think of Saturday am house cleaning.  Putting things away to reduce clutter, emptying trash cans, a bit of light dusting and running the vacuum to make the house feel and look better.

Cleansing, Energetic - The purpose of Energetic Cleansing is to remove ALL energetic and aetheric debris from a person, place or thing and realign the remaining natural energies to allow the highest functionality.  Think of it as emptying a room, then fully cleaning, scrubbing with diluted bleach and sanitizing with a steam cleaner the complete interior of a room. Then fully cleaning and sanitizing every item before placing it back in its optimized location.

Debris, Energetic - The energetic equivalent of the normal dust and minor detritus that collects in the corners of a living space.

Demon - A catch all term for highly aware, sentient, non-corporeal entities of varying levels of power and influence. In general, they care only about promoting their chosen agenda and or personal greatest good. Consider them at least as smart and cunning as a person.

Encroachment, Demonic - This the the most common stage and the easiest to avoid.  An individual has attracted the attention of something big and bad and given it permission though action or word to enter their lives.

Energetic Predator - Any sentient non corporeal entity that seeks to feed on the pain and trauma of individuals. Some go so far as to manipulate the host to increase the output of negative emotions and self destructive actions.

Exorcism - Intense ritual of entity removal used to resolve worst case scenarios. Depending on the severity of the situation, this may not be one and done event, instead requiring successive rituals over a period of time for full efficacy.

Entity level- Every entity is unique with its own specialized skills and abilities.  However to understand the amount of energy at its disposal, get a quick gauge of its ability pool, quickly assess its how much influence it has over the aetheric and physical world a number is assigned. 

Infestation, Demonic - This is when an entity or entities have access to the inside of a space or are attached to an object.  They seek to cause distress for the inhabitants by making terrifying sounds, moving heavy objects and wreaking havoc about the space.  Individuals may also receive marks or scratches at this stage.

Monitoring and Maintenance Packages - Quietus Ltd is proud to offer Monitoring and Maintenance Packages tailored and scalable to meet your needs. From simple monthly screening and shield checks to minute by minute cleansing, shield adjustment and "Safe Haven" generation with access to our staff twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are here to support you.

Oppression, Demonic - This is when a single or group of malevolent entities focuses their efforts on causing an individual acute distress. The focus being on gaining control over the thoughts and emotions of the person.  They want into a persons body thru the mind.

Speaking/Talking/Ouija boards - Bane of my existence and pain in my a$$. Billed as a harmless game or as a way for individuals to communicate with the dead, these things are a ticking bomb ready to explode and ruin the life of child.  Yes, they can work. No, they do not always work.  When they do work they work by opening a door way.  It is stupid easy to open the door and yell through it.  But the second something comes to the door and answers, how many people freak out and forget to close the damn door? )

Possession, Demonic - A rare and extremely dangerous event where a person's mind and soul are subjugated and their body is controlled by an outside malevolent entity or group of entities. There can be periods of lucidity when the individuals souls gains control of the body and mind.  To be extremely clear, this is the worst possible scenario.  Take all your worst nightmares, stuff them in a bag with a meth-head wolverine and half dozen broken bottles, shake it up and release it.  That just scratches the surface.  Not something to be attempted lightly.

Shielding, Energetic- Quietus Ltd offers energetic shielding created to mitigate energetic and aetheric problems. The purpose of  Energetic Shielding is containment. It is a semi permanent energetic structure created to keep what is out side out and what is inside in.   It turns your home into a castle energetically. Like all constructs, shields to require regular maintenance.  Depending on various factors such as the type of shield created, the energetic toxicity of the environment, the volume and strength of the traffic through the shield and what the shield is protecting, the shield could require maintenance on a yearly, monthly, daily, hourly or even minute by minute basis.

Vermin, Energetic - The minor bugs and creepy crawlies of the energetic world.  They get everywhere and stick to everything.  Not really harmful, but can cause added feelings of annoyance and may elicit feeling overwhelmed if present in large enough numbers.  It's recommended to clean them out on a regular basis.


"We will find a way, or we will make one."

AUT VIAM INVENIAM AUT FACIAM, "We will find a way, or We will make one." - The Philosophy of Quietus Ltd

                                                            Know thy Enemy

    One only need wander around a bookstore or type "Metaphysics" into Google to understand the glut of information, accurate and otherwise, regarding matters of the spirit and energy work.  Some will show you how to access your ancestors, commune with nature or discover your inner divinity. Many titles are dedicated to improvement of self and the world around using energy, intention and the application of lesser known knowledge and techniques.

    The core messages stay the same throughout most, "Be good to yourself, to others and the world around you" and "Embrace the light and love and shed all anger, hate and negativity that limits your growth and development."  Focusing on the positive and letting go of the negative is a truly valuable quest. One person acting with positive intention can create ripples of positive change that spreads ever outward. Enough people doing that same thing can create massive global change.

   There is however a tendency in the mass market publications to gloss over certain facts and realities. One area of education has been overlooked, the opposite of good and light, the darkness. If we accept that there are an abundance of beings be they angels, saints, or gods made manifest, then we must accept that there are an equal number of forces at work to keep the status quo.  Forces at work to keep the human mind and soul confined by fear, off balance by anger, or otherwise hindered by our own negativity and that of those around us.

    There are few who would dare stand upon the precipice and stare into the Abyss, for the Abyss stares back.  Fewer still would stare and observe the shadows to benefit and safe guard others. Enter the founding members of Quietus Ltd.  They chose to stand in harms way, to know the face and the ways of the darkness to better stop its uninvited encroachment.  Since those first days, Quietus Ltd has become a vital resource for those who are experiencing "Worst Case Scenarios", where other attempts at resolution have failed or made the situation worse.

     For this reason, some call the members of Quietus Ltd "energetic bouncers"  or "Spirit Police", others refer to them as the "Metaphysical Men in Black."  This is because its members perceive what others do not and resolve or remove what others cannot.

Spiritual/Energetic Practices in the Boardroom

If you don't want the background, just the information feel free to skip ahead to Here are the Practices: below.

You are curious. Since you are reading this you are on the path of Spiritual development.  You are most likely a business professional.  You want to know how to meld your Spiritual Journey with your professional life. Maybe your end goal is to follow in the footsteps of the World Bank's Spiritual Unfoldment Society or to create something new for the betterment of the world.

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of spiritual development books, courses, workshops, seminars on the development of spirituality and mindful business practices.  Sorting out what helps you on your journey of growth is a you problem.  It is up to you to find what resonates with you personally and makes sense with your business.

What this article offers are some basic guidelines that will support ANY Spiritual path you wish to follow in your business journey.

Core Concept: Emotion is energy. Thought is energy. Action is energy. Everything is energy. (click here for more)

A smooth flowing small business with a non-Toxic culture can have drastic emotional and mental ups and downs for the employees due to price and availability changes, life changes of specific employees or a catastrophe like a flood.  Thoughts and emotions get dumped and left at work.  Higher up the business ladder, team leaders have to use the collaborative process to find viable solutions to problems.  That collaborative process is often an intense interaction of many people with differing thoughts and emotions.  Egos can and do get bruised and emotions get dumped.  C Level executives make power moves at the negation table bringing to bear their will and emotion to gain the upper hand. That happens every day, day after day, in every meeting room, in every board room, in every executive suite in every office building across the world.  I am not even going to bring up the Cancerous nature of call centers.

I know you have noticed how some places go, put you on edge the second you walk in the door.  Like suddenly can't catch your breath and have a primal need to leave the space ASAP.  There are towering buildings stuffed to the brim with that same harsh and toxic energetic debris. And it is only getting worse. Why is it getting worse?  Beyond the increased stress most people are feeling on a daily basis upping the output, the place are to blame.

Most office spaces are composed of man made materials. Energy has a tough time moving and dispersing through latex paint, industrial adhesives, plastic coating and complicated electrical systems.  Think of how often you loose Cell signal for 2 steps to the right or left. Emotional and mental energy are very slow to disperse on their own in these places. Also, man made materials reduce or negate the efficacy of most energetic cleansing practices. 

So are there no ways to make it all go away?  Just a magic "Poof" and it is all gone. 

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all solution.  However I will share some of the techniques I have used with great success for my clients. The end goal is a Clean Energetic Environment:  The reasoning,  if space is clear, all can operate free of unnecessary clutter and debris and everyone will be less distracted and more focused, efficient and productive.

Here are the Practices:

Walking around with or leaving out Clear Quartz crystal Pros: The crystal acts like a vacuum. The user has to make sure it gets in all the nooks and crannies to be most effective.  Make sure the crystal leaves and gets cleaned in water outside the office space. Cons: None really. 

Large Crystals as Decor Pros: Deflect and bounce around energy. Support and focus your efforts and that of your teams. Depending upon the size and shape, it can be visually pleasing. Placement of crystals can add an "Elevated" Vibe to the business.  Cons: can cause immediate sometimes negative reaction with people.  Will act like a gauge for how in alignment they are with you.  If wrong type chosen, can make everything a whole lot worse.  In general I can recommend Amethyst as good fit for most business.

Water Fountains: Pros: adding a small fountain you help increase the flow of energy as well as encourage calm and relaxation for all in proximity.  Placement of the fountain in the office are usually to East or Southeast corner of the business for most beneficial results, per the Feng Shui tradition.  Cons: Can be messy and high maintenance.  You may have to visit the restroom more often.

NO SAGE. NO INCENSE. NO MYRRH. NO FRANKINCENSE. Unless you have a home business or an office where you can open all the windows to create a cross breeze, do not burn these at work. Yes, the smoke produced is human and spiritually positive in energy signature  But with no way out, all you will do is will fill the space with more stuff.  That will create more stress and felling of pressure and claustrophobia.

Burn's Pros: Incredibly efficient.  Cleanses and REMOVES the energetic debris from the space. Anyone can do it with minimal tools and basic instructions (click here).  It enhances the efficacy of all other cleansing practices due to ability to remove mass amounts of debris and to get in small spaces. Cons: Not subtle as there is flame coming out a bowl. Open Flame in the work place can be dangerous.

These are basics you can do to improve the energetic environment of you work place or business.  If you are interested in acquiring our Burn in a Box kit or for techniques and services tailored to your specific needs please feel free to contact Quietus Ltd directly.