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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Food for Thought - Sit your Ghost Hunting ass down, NOW.

Please. Please. Please. Stop making stupid choices.

The Deluge of Reality TV series focusing on the paranormal is baffling to me.  From the original In Search Of series to the modern Ghost Hunters and the newer series focused around celebrities such as Jack Osbourne or Ke$sha I find my head hurting.

Scary shit sells. I get it. Watching "experts" on TV explore places rumored to have witnessed horrible events can be exciting, tense or depending on the editing, hilariously stupid.

The shows have people running scared or finding "proof" or some such nonsense.  They show the "team" recording and doing what ever they do to stir things up to get a response.  Findings are shared with the viewer.  And then the "Ghost Hunters" are off to the next location looking for proof. 

REALITY CHECK - Entities are hungry.  They like to snack on energy.  High emotions and drama are like crack rock to some of them.  Also, as a general rule, they will do the least amount of work to get the the most amount of food.  So they spook the kids.  Children dump huge amounts of emotional energy.  The kids get the parents all worried.  The entity feeds on everyone there. As the family calms down, the entity does something else.  As the family gets more and more agitated, the more food it can consume.  

This goes on until one day a group of paranormal investigators show up. The cast and the crew now contribute to the tension the family feels and it is a buffet for the entity.  This huge burst of emotion may even attract new entities from the surrounding area.  The entities don't have to waste their energy interacting.  They just have to hang out and watch.  (Have you ever been fishing?  If you have, you know the feeling when the fish are there, they just don't want to bite.) So all these things are gorging themselves on the hype and fear.  Nothing is "recorded" because the entities don't want to interact.  This freaks the family out even more.  (They don't want to be perceived as crazy.)  The cast and crew move on.  The family is an emotional wreck.  The entity still feeds.  Eventually the food dwindles as the family gets back to "normal", so the entity goes after the kids again.  The cycle repeats.

So what if the Ghost hunters leave and the problems go away?  Well where did the entity go?  Did it pass on to the next reality?  Did it go back to Hell?  Uh, no.  It just hoped a ride on one of the cast or crew to the next place.

Paranormal investigators want to believe. They want all supernatural stuff to be really real.  They want proof to back up their beliefs.  Why do the investigators treat the denizens of the Aetheric as harmless puffs.  Beings with no set lifespan that have figured out how to interact with our reality, some to the point of causing physical harm, and these "experts" treat entities like insects or simpletons.  Yet the investigators show up like they are invincible.  

Yeah, just like swimming in shark infested waters with an open bleeding wound is safe because sharks can't really hurt you.

Food for Thought


#dumbass #paranormalinvestigators #playdumbgamesgetdumbprizes


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