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Friday, January 13, 2023

Definition of Terms


Terms - The purpose of this section is to clearly define some of the terms and concepts used in our work.

Clearing, Energetic -  The purpose of Energetic clearing is to clear basic debris and realign anything out of place in the energetic fields of a person place or thing.  Think of Saturday am house cleaning.  Putting things away to reduce clutter, emptying trash cans, a bit of light dusting and running the vacuum to make the house feel and look better.

Cleansing, Energetic - The purpose of Energetic Cleansing is to remove ALL energetic and aetheric debris from a person, place or thing and realign the remaining natural energies to allow the highest functionality.  Think of it as emptying a room, then fully cleaning, scrubbing with diluted bleach and sanitizing with a steam cleaner the complete interior of a room. Then fully cleaning and sanitizing every item before placing it back in its optimized location.

Debris, Energetic - The energetic equivalent of the normal dust and minor detritus that collects in the corners of a living space.

Demon - A catch all term for highly aware, sentient, non-corporeal entities of varying levels of power and influence. In general, they care only about promoting their chosen agenda and or personal greatest good. Consider them at least as smart and cunning as a person.

Encroachment, Demonic - This the the most common stage and the easiest to avoid.  An individual has attracted the attention of something big and bad and given it permission though action or word to enter their lives.

Energetic Predator - Any sentient non corporeal entity that seeks to feed on the pain and trauma of individuals. Some go so far as to manipulate the host to increase the output of negative emotions and self destructive actions.

Exorcism - Intense ritual of entity removal used to resolve worst case scenarios. Depending on the severity of the situation, this may not be one and done event, instead requiring successive rituals over a period of time for full efficacy.

Entity level- Every entity is unique with its own specialized skills and abilities.  However to understand the amount of energy at its disposal, get a quick gauge of its ability pool, quickly assess its how much influence it has over the aetheric and physical world a number is assigned. 

Infestation, Demonic - This is when an entity or entities have access to the inside of a space or are attached to an object.  They seek to cause distress for the inhabitants by making terrifying sounds, moving heavy objects and wreaking havoc about the space.  Individuals may also receive marks or scratches at this stage.

Monitoring and Maintenance Packages - Quietus Ltd is proud to offer Monitoring and Maintenance Packages tailored and scalable to meet your needs. From simple monthly screening and shield checks to minute by minute cleansing, shield adjustment and "Safe Haven" generation with access to our staff twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We are here to support you.

Oppression, Demonic - This is when a single or group of malevolent entities focuses their efforts on causing an individual acute distress. The focus being on gaining control over the thoughts and emotions of the person.  They want into a persons body thru the mind.

Speaking/Talking/Ouija boards - Bane of my existence and pain in my a$$. Billed as a harmless game or as a way for individuals to communicate with the dead, these things are a ticking bomb ready to explode and ruin the life of child.  Yes, they can work. No, they do not always work.  When they do work they work by opening a door way.  It is stupid easy to open the door and yell through it.  But the second something comes to the door and answers, how many people freak out and forget to close the damn door? )

Possession, Demonic - A rare and extremely dangerous event where a person's mind and soul are subjugated and their body is controlled by an outside malevolent entity or group of entities. There can be periods of lucidity when the individuals souls gains control of the body and mind.  To be extremely clear, this is the worst possible scenario.  Take all your worst nightmares, stuff them in a bag with a meth-head wolverine and half dozen broken bottles, shake it up and release it.  That just scratches the surface.  Not something to be attempted lightly.

Shielding, Energetic- Quietus Ltd offers energetic shielding created to mitigate energetic and aetheric problems. The purpose of  Energetic Shielding is containment. It is a semi permanent energetic structure created to keep what is out side out and what is inside in.   It turns your home into a castle energetically. Like all constructs, shields to require regular maintenance.  Depending on various factors such as the type of shield created, the energetic toxicity of the environment, the volume and strength of the traffic through the shield and what the shield is protecting, the shield could require maintenance on a yearly, monthly, daily, hourly or even minute by minute basis.

Vermin, Energetic - The minor bugs and creepy crawlies of the energetic world.  They get everywhere and stick to everything.  Not really harmful, but can cause added feelings of annoyance and may elicit feeling overwhelmed if present in large enough numbers.  It's recommended to clean them out on a regular basis.


"We will find a way, or we will make one."

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