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Friday, November 10, 2023

I feel Called to be an Exorcist Too!

Over the years, I have received more than a few inquiries from individuals who feel called to do this Work. 

Here is my response sent via email a few days ago.

Thank you for reaching out.

My first and most honest response is don't do it. The cost, personal, professional, physical and energetic is higher than you can imagine.
Once you start on the path, there are no take backs, no retiring when it becomes too much to handle.  When you are in, you are in to the end and probably beyond.

If you feel compelled to continue, I recommend getting Reiki training to learn how to push and pull energy, daily meditation to strengthen your mind, and physical exercise to strengthen your body.  Find a faith and learn from its teachers. This work will require you to call in help more powerful than you.

Don't trust any teacher who says they know it all.

Adapt your practice to take what works and discard the rest.
Know your limitations and respect them. If you do not you will only hurt yourself AND those you are trying to help.

Again, I strongly recommend picking a different path such as public service or helping at a shelter.

I wish you the best of luck,
A. Bulota

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