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A Crash Course in Reality

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

So what is MY story?

I will be completely honest with you. This is not some silly "OOOO Spooky Man of Mystery" thing. 

I keep myself to myself to stay safe.  Once you do the Work, the world gets a good deal more "exciting".

I will some basics on my life and some pertinent details of the energy work career.

I am stubborn. I grew up in the Midwest.  I was a boy-scout. I was an Altar boy.  I was raised at the poverty to lower working class level.  I hate bullies.  I went to collage and got a degree. I worked as a Bouncer in Detroit in the early 2000s.  I moved out west for a fresh start.  

One night I was convinced, under duress, to go Ghost hunting by a friend and his intuitive wife.  Some one I love was attacked by Unseen forces.  Instinctively, I hit back. Hard.  The attacks on my loved one abated.  We left and got some chocolate ice-cream to help get rid of the headache and shakes.

And that is when shit got real.

Later with some lessons from the friend and his wife, I learned how many things I did wrong, how dangerous what I did was and that I should learn to focus on being much more careful in the future.  I started meditating, working on my control over energy blah, blah, blah. I had no clue how real the problems would become.

At some point I was asked to help a friend of a friend who was spiraling out of control.  I said I would see what I could do.  With no real clue what I was doing, I remotely removed an ancient entity from the person.  (The person would later become one of the most effective shamanic healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with.)  It process took me 4 hours of real time, left me physically shaking, emotionally depleted and energetically rocked. But it was successful. 

I was able to help a person turn their life around and be who they were meant to be.  I felt excitement and also peace at what I had done. But I was mentally scared from the experience.

Fast forward a few years and many more referrals for the Work.  My skill set improved and my process streamlined.  I was able to do more for more people all while holding down a grueling job with lots of overtime.

I kept doing the Work for clients. I also began doing clearings of energetically troubled areas. Not for a client, but just to get rid of the bad stuff in that place.  

Then the push back came. They were little things at first. Minor physical issues that I chalked it up to fatigue and stress.  Odd interactions with strangers while out shopping, like being stared at as if I had two heads or more common blank stares like no one is home.

Summary of the following 15+ years. 

Job changes. Life changes. Increase in Energy-work. Increase in personal energetic attacks. Hospitalization. Increase in Energy-work. PTSD symptoms develop. Stabbed in the leg.  More Energy-work. Lungs fried. Pulmonary system shutting down. Break from Energy-work. Depression. Fellow Energy-workers experiencing similar random negative events from Energy-work related backlash. Rebuilding of physical body. Depression and PTSD. Rebuilding of Energetic systems. Rebuilding of personal Energy-Work process. Test. Increase in Energy-Work with new processes. Rebuilding of mental systems. Work. Easier resolutions.  Test new techniques. Process failure doing Energy-work. Hit by a car in a well lit parking lot. (Dude didn't even stop to see it I was okay.)  Rework process. Get help with Depression and PTSD. Improve myself. End of Dark Decade of the Soul. Train. Learn. Teach. Work. Train. Learn. Teach. Work.




Here is the real truth.

Who I am really does not matter. 

If you need help or want to learn, I am here. 

All that matters is that the Work gets done.


Quietus Ltd.



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