Doctors make the worst patients. Everyone has heard that phrase. And there is truth there. Doctors are by and large very knowledgeable, very experienced and have had to make life and death decisions regarding patients on a semi regular basis. It is a ridiculous pressure cooker sleep deprived stress all of a journey JUST to get the MD, before they can start working.
This also creates an air of superiority to other professionals. Some even develop a "God Complex" because they have the ability to perform amazing procedures. On average Doctors are viewed as the experts in the Room (I hear my nurse friends laughing). And as such, Doctors do not like to have their opinion questioned or second guessed.
So when Doctors have a personal problem they often ignore it since they know best. If the problem persists, they may self diagnose and take the "Usually Prescribed Steps" to correct the issue. When they finally accept something may be wrong and outside of their control (usually it is family pushing them to do this in my experience), they must check their Ego and seek assistance from another doctor. Usually they seek an expert or specialist in that field since by title and focus this physician knows more about the issues than other doctors.
Does any of this sound wrong? I think most of you reading this will agree this is about how it plays out.
If you would for a moment, re-read the frist three paragraphs and replace Doctor and Physician with any type of Energy-worker (Medium, Card Reader, Medical Intuitive, Psychic etc.).
Food for Thought
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