The information being passed on is an echo of a whisper being presented on as cold hard immutable fact. Lessons are clung to from the old man who lived in the desert of the American Southwest and was the active practicing spiritual leader for the tribe and intermediary to the unseen world?
The world has moved on from the exchange of tangible things to the trade of electronic "content". Knowledge about and interaction with the Unseen world is critical for the "average" person as knowing how to use google,or dial a cell phone.
It is wonderful that there are so many new outlets for the larger universal knowledge and new voices speaking powerful lessons that need to be heard. The "average" person needs to hear these lessons to life a life in balance with the Unseen. However the readily available knowledge on spiritual practices offered in the US are watered down mish/mash of multiple traditions, some misquotes from established religions, a heavy dose of personal development lessons from the more popular self help gurus, all drenched in the reclamation of divine feminine power.
Does the knowledge of the Old Ones still hold relevance today?
Does that Elder Knowledge need to be adapted or used to help inform modern practices?
Damn right it does.
Things to NOT DO!
Protection Practices: The thoughts and ways of creating shielding are outdated or down right wrong.
Energetic Shields are great. If you do them right. Most people do not do them right.
All Shields are breakable. All shields can be penetrated. All shielding makes you a more interesting target.
White Light: (All-purpose protection) You are flashing the bat signal on your self saying here is a target, come and get it. Anything in the area that did not know you were there does now. You are in a spotlight where ever you go from now until the energy dissipates. Everything watching now knows where you go, who you interact with, what your patterns are and most importantly they can see when the pretty light winks out.
Gold Light: Said to attract archangels. Only only Archangels and energy of the highest good can get
through gold light. Uh, No. You know who was angel, second in power only to God? You know some other angels were cast out along with that #2 angel right? Guess what Gold light will not keep any of them out.
Green: Healing, and rejuvenating. Used when you are sick or ill. Uh, it is impossible to do that with your own energy without causing yourself harm
Lead Shield: Uh, what? Lead stops radiation. It is also poisonous to humans.
Mirrored Ball: Imagine walking down the street tacking in a beautiful sunny afternoon, thinking about where to stop for a bite to eat. You see a human sized mirrored sphere next to a food truck. The other people in line are talking to the sphere like it is a person. Is your curiosity aroused? Do you approach the sphere to figure out what is going on? Do you listen to try and figure out what is happening? Does trying to understand the sphere become your sole focus for a few moments? Probably yes to all of the above. Guess what? That is exactly what energetic predators see. You stand out like mad.
Most folks do not have the practice, focus or patience to make shields THAT WORK.
The folks that do have the ability to create solid shielding are also adept at controlling and masking their own energy. They don't wander the streets as a open Medium running up to strangers. They don't on the spot readings.
They are low key. They don't have to flaunt what they do. They just do it.
If you want to create energetic shield worth a damn, you need to master your own energy first.
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