Before you attempt to correct my tone, be aware; I'm not here to be positive. I'm here to do good, and that is not the same thing.

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A Crash Course in Reality

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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Food for Thought - All Doom All the Time!

Well. Because it is.  This is reality.  The really real world we all co-habitate is a shitty place. There is chaos and destruction and impending doom as far as the eye can see. You are absolutely right in seeing the world this way. 

I am not going to say that the war in Ukraine is good or that it should be ignored.  I am not saying the rattling of sabers regarding nukes is makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  I am not saying that the Rise of the Religious Right Nationalists should be welcomed in the US and abroad.  Starvation. Famine. Disease. Plague. Yup it may as well be the 16th century again recorded on a Go-Pro for many.

It. Is. All. Fucked.

So what are you going to do about it?  "Not a damn thing" you say, "because the problems are too big and far reaching."  You shout there is no point in doing anything beyond wailing and gnashing of teeth awaiting the impending doom from indestructible pig hybrids from Canada, or the Singularity taking control of all WiFi enabled devices or some ego-maniacal Russian F#ck Stick, (Yeah Putin I curse you and your spawn) or China and North Korea Playing Dumb Games.

I say "Get Fucked."  Yes I said that to you.

Stop wasting your energy and time running in circles. Make a Fucking Choice and Do Something!


What are YOU going to do instead of wasting energy worrying about things you can not control? Donate your resources to an ethical charity doing good works in your community.  No such organization.  Then Make One. Make a stack of sandwiches and pass them out to any one holding a sign saying they are hungry. Make blessing bags and pass them out (Bottle of water, 3-4 non-persiable snacks, 2 pairs of new socks and a couple of heavy duty large trash bags in a gallon Ziplock bag)  No cash?  Donate your time at a soup kitchen. Give your coat to the person begging on the corner. Shovel your neighbors walkway when it snows.  Got left overs you can't finish. Box them up and give it to someone in need.

Very few of us have the ability to create massive change, but every single one of us has the ability to help another human being even if it is to give them a genuine warm smile.

Food For Thought


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