Before you attempt to correct my tone, be aware; I'm not here to be positive. I'm here to do good, and that is not the same thing.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Food for Thought - Stop Making Things Worse!

 I was told by a friend and colleague to watch a "reality" show. I was hesitant due to the title but I gave it a go. During the middle of the first episode of season 2, I was dumbstruck.  End of the Second episode I was really getting worked up. Half way through the Third Episode (Season 1 Episode 1), I turned it off because I was yelling at the TV.  

I thought about what to do.  Should I just let it slide? Should I reach out to the producers of the show to offer to help? Would it be wise to call the show out by name?  Could this cause drama in my professional life?  Might this turn away potential clients?

I meditated on the issue to reach a solution.

Bullshit is bullshit and I am tired of seeing idiots make money putting people in danger.

Time for my happy butt to step up on a Soap Box. Again.

The show is Murder House Flip.  The show changes the cosmetics of dwelling where homicide(s) occurred to help the current home owners make it their own.  That is good. Establishing ownership is very important when changing the energy of a place.  You need make it your own.

Given the amount the hosts and residents commented on the feel and energy of the place was negative, what did they do about it? Nothing was mentioned about clearings, cleansing by the staff of the show. Oh sure they took out the blood soaked floor and threw it away.  Did they get rid of all the trauma attached to the studs and joists?  Did they think to cleanse everything that was removed so it did not just spread its contained hate an madness at the dump or recycling center?  (I did see one couple say they burned sage and said some prayers when they first moved in.)  I saw no indication of energy clearing anywhere.

So, the show employees come in, knock out walls, rip up floors and replace fixtures. And removes all of the layers of energy and ownership the family has built up while living there, while stirring up all of the dormant energies and entities. And introduces the stress of the workers and production staff operating under a 5 day deadline. 

The family is grateful and happy at the change in the house but oblivious that the underlying problems may well have been exacerbated.

Yeah, I am sure nothing will go wrong.

Food For Thought


Screw you @Murder House Flip producers, your ignorance and your arrogance.

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