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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Deep Dive - The Balance is Broken

This is not a philosophical musing.  It is an observation made over 20+ years.  For ease of communication, please assume "good" means something in alignment with the highest and greatest good of humanity, "neutral" is indifferent towards humanity and "bad" is in opposition to the good of humanity. And yes I see you in the back saying "wait a minute, but what about this specific example?"  To communicate the ideas as easily as possible we are going to use the broad paint brush of generalities.

Older traditions of magic were built around a self correcting homeostatic balance model of existence.  It was taught that there were good things, neutral things and bad things.  That there were safe places, neutral places and dangerous places. There were right ways and wrong ways of doing things.  Sometimes the light had the upper hand, sometimes the dark had the upper hand but it was always in a see saw balance.  Life was life hard at times, great at others but you got a relatively even shot at living it how you chose with minimal interference from the Unseen.  That is not the case any more.

There are an increasing number of "bad" entities interacting with the humans. This has thrown off the balance between "Good" and "Bad" and tipped the scales to the negative side.

Think about it for a minute. There has been an ramping up in the Unseen world interacting with our "Reality" since the early 2000s.  More ghost signings, more UFOs, more paranormal activity and more interactions with bad entities.  So much so that there has been a marked increase in need for spiritual assistance to deal with negative forces across all faiths.  For example, the Catholic Church does not have enough exorcists to meet the increasing demand.  

There are more bad entities about now feeding on the negative emotions of people. With this increase in entity presence the more severe situations become more common.  (I have personally dealt with entire low-income housing complexes and apartment buildings oppressed by negative entities. And the need has increased in the past 5 years.)

Okay fine. Why is this happening now and not before?

Point 1 - Population Explosion due to increase in agricultural technology.  More cheaper food lead to an increase in the sustainable human population. More humans equal more food.

Point 2 - Over the last century advances in travel technologies have lead to a great number of people moving around the planet and interacting with people in far away places.  The world is one flight away for many people.  Think about the "average business person" for a moment. Focused on success at their specific business en-devour. They travel across the country and across the world selling, buying, meeting and interacting with a myriad of people. How many practice any kind of energetic cleansing rituals?  Every one of those individuals is a potential host to an entity.

Point 3 -  Increase in people passing thru bad places, picking up bad things.  The native population knows the valley is cursed and stays away.  Then one day a foreign military force uses that valley to move undetected.  Highly stressed emotionally charged combatants walking right through the living space of the bad things that live in the valley.  Human emotion for consumption delivered hot and fresh to your door.

(ex. About a decade ago, I had a client, a loquacious former Naval E.O.D officer.  Based upon the attachments on his person, I told him some of the places he had been during his 20 years service.  He would neither confirm nor deny my accuracy for security reasons, but he got VERY quiet when I named some specific places and specific times.)

Point 4 - Humans are physically different than 100 of even 50 years ago.  Plastics in our food, hormones in the water, GMOs that do not increase the nutrition of the food, pesticides on our grass.  Humans are being assaulted on all physical fronts with harmful interactions that disrupt our over all functionality.

Point 5 - Human perception is slanted to the negative right now.  People in general, especially since the pandemic live in a constant state of underlying dread. The constant connectedness provided by the internet and wi-fi are skewed to increase fear, drama and (viewership and profits) is contributing to the problem little is created to inform or educate without crating more conflict or agitation in the consumer.  Consumption of social media is often referred to as "Doom Scrolling" for a reason. This creates a population distracted by cyberspace and ripe with negative emotion.

Point 6 - Humans are disconnected from nature. How many folks never leave the concrete jungle.  Urban sprawl has taken away the green space and reduced the ability for humans to flush negativity form the system and reset.

Point 7 - There are new things here that don't care about the "Rules". Y2K did not bring the melt down of all technology.  Due to large populations and their combined belief and fear, it did usher in a New Age, but not for the better.  Add fear of the 2012 change and all hell has broken loose.  Instabilities in the Veil have allowed easier passage of things.

A new species of thing has arrived and it does not care about the balance or the rule of free will. They adapt and hunt freely far and wide.

Point 8 - Traditional practices have not adapted to the shifted paradigm of the human physiology and world around us. Many practitioners I have encountered acknowledge the increase in bad entities and their influence on clients.  But their tradition does not address entities that were not present in our reality 50 years ago.Click here for more info.

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