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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Food for Thought - Evangelical Religious Right Spellcasters

Follow along for a minute.

A spell is a spoken or written pronouncement intended to bring about a specific effect.To cast is to cause to move by throwing. To intentionally put that energy out into the universe.  

Prayer is intentionally sending your energy and intention to create or influence a specific outcome. (Yes I know prayers for intecetion are in the grey area because they ask for a Higher Power, in It's Wisdom and Mercy, to help do a thing if it is in accordance with It's divine plan. We are talking about hate prayer here. Simple as that.)

Prayer = Spell-casting

Prayer with a malicious intent, to harm or to control the thoughts, actions, etc of another = Negative Spell-casting

Negative spell-casting is Black Magik and is very very frowned upon.

Please scan the recent headlines.  Protest Here.Violence there.  Backwards Laws showing Religious Idealogical Favoritism and exclusion and censorship of thought and ideas that do not toe the line. Praying for the down fall or harm of individuals or groups of people that do not agree or support their ideology.

Hate and intolerance spewed from the pulpit and the sheeple in the pews lap it up as if it mana delivered by angelic messenger from the lips of God.  The rise of the Right Wing Evangelical Christian movement has all the earmarks of a Destructive Cult.  It has wormed it's way into politics and then causes laws to be written in alignment with intolerance and hate.  Physical conflict instigated by professed members of this movement shuts down all discourse with a "Might makes Right" stance.

And then there is the "Prayer".  One person leads the congregation into an agitated emotional and mental state.  The leader focuses the thought and emotions of those people towards a specific person or group. The leader makes repetitive and escalating comments to insight more emotion from the group. Often saying statements such as, "It is God's will that these people must be cast out straight to Hell!" or "They are an ambomination to God's Law and must put to the Lord's judgement!" The response is cheers and shouts of "Amen" from the group. 

When the passions of the group are at the zenith, the leader calls for the group to "Bow your heads in prayer". Silence falls and the leader speaks, calling into focus the worst "Sinners" and expressing what should happen to these individuals or groups.

Summoning energy from a large group.  Focusing it.  Selecting a Target.  Intending harm to be the result. Then releasing all of that focused energy like a homing missile.

That sounds like some Straight up Black Magik bullshit to me.

Food for Thought



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