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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Food For Thought - Why I Hate Horror Movies

Scary shit sells.  Horror movies, novels, comics, games etc are and have been a bankable IP for years.  It is not really a surprise.  The interest in and sharing of "Spooky Stories" and "Urban Legends" has been with humans since time immemorial.  Humans seem  fascinated, enamored and at times addicted to the thrills and scares offered by the exploration of the edges of the known world. Most of the popular fairy stories known now, began as much grimmer, darker tales. Most were hyperbolic exaggerations meant to teach fear based lessons on morality or common sense personal safety.  Some of the tales were oral traditions of actual events or things that should be avoided at all costs. 

Since the early 2000s there has been an uptick in the supernatural horror film genre.  Films such as fictional Paranormal Activity inspired a new wave of interest in the "Real Supernatural".  Then came the Conjuring.  Based on the lives and reports of real people (Ed and Elain Warren).  Next thing you know the movie studio has made over 1.5 billion dollars on the success of the expanding universe.

Here is the problem.  Some of the stuff shown in those films is a little too accurate.  The reality of these items resonate at a core level to most humans. They recognize the "something is not right" of these images, items and characters at their core. Some of the items should not be shared.  Some of the items should be locked away, burned or dropped in an abandoned mine.  Why?

Allow me to provide an example.  An symbol is used in the film.  It is a symbol found online from a 400 year old occult tome.  The symbol was used as a focus to contact a particular entity.  The symbol has not been used by anyone for 400 years.  As beings of the Aetheric have longer, some times near infinte life spans, the symbol still has a link to the original "thing". The symbol with active link is used in a movie. People see the movie.  The symbol is presented during times of high stress and emotion for the audience.  The symbol and its connection is in close proximity to large amounts of emotional energy in the form of anxiety, surprise and fear.  The movie is being shown multiple times a day, on thousands of screens across just America.  The emotions of the all the audience members attract the attention of the long dormant entity. The movie does well and is shown for an extended run. The entity is getting fed as has not in centuries. As a being that is able to exists in multiple places at the same time, the entity draws itself via the connection to the symbol to all of the places the movie is being shown.

The entity is feeding and happy.  As the movie run comes to an end the entity is confused and hungry.  It notices a person giving off loads of emotional energy.  It gathers itself to one location and hops a ride on that one person.

And now there is a big nasty Thing, running around unchecked and feeding. The more it feeds the stronger it gets.  The stronger it gets, the more influence it has over people.  The more influence over people, the more power to spread that influence to more people.  

Badness ensues with no one the wiser.  All done in the pursuit of making "entertainment".

Food for Thought

A. Bulota

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