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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Food for Thought - Look Around, Think, Write it Down, Dont' F#ck Around!

Everyone should be trained in basic First Aid.  (I personally think that most folks should be trained in advanced First Aid as well because knowledge = power).  Now just because you have the basic skills, does this mean that you should seek out situations that will let you use those skills?  Most people want those skills for "just in case". 

As the he world has moved from the exchange of tangible things to the trade of electronic "content". Knowledge about and interaction with the Unseen world is as critical for the "average" person as knowing how to use google, or dial a cell phone.  

The "average" person needs to hear these lessons, to live a life that brings into alignment their mind, body, soul and honors the visible and Unseen worlds around them.

As I have mentioned in my previous post here, the readily available knowledge on spiritual practices offered in the US is a watered down mish/mash of multiple traditions, misquotes from established religions, a heavy dose of personal development lessons rehashed from the popular self help gurus, all drenched in the reclamation of feminine power. (I am all for reclamation of power and honoring the Divinity of the Feminine, but some of this has jumped the shark and gone toxic.)

So what do you do?  How the heck are you supposed to grow and learn what is and isn't?

Simple: Handle your own business!   Do not even think about mucking around and poking at things if you are firmly centered and grounded.  Well how do you do that, you ask?

STOP  Disclaimer - Self development is key and encouraged.  Once you get a little knowledge and skill, you may be tempted to reach past yourself, to help family or friends.  The moment you start pushing around any kind of energy that is not yours/directly affecting you personally, you ring a bell.  That bell sounds to all in the Unseen who can hear, that you have stepped outside your personal sovereignty bubble and are ready to interact with all.  Even if you only did it once, for a friend, you have marked yourself to be interacted with for the rest of your life.

1) Be present! Be Aware!

Finish reading this article, then put your phone down and get in touch with yourself.  Not touch yourself, but be aware of your body from pulse to sore knee.  Be aware of your breath.  (If you want step by step guidance this book, I can't recommend it enough.)

Acknowledge your thoughts and emotions and let them pass on. (Be like Elsa and Let It Go.  Yes this is the hardest step for me as I hold grudges for centuries.) Once you stop holding on so tight, you will notice how they change around certain places, people and things.

2) Journal!

So you are doing all this stuff and learning all these things, now write it down. Not later but now. NOW! Record your observations while fresh.  This serves 2 purposes. First it creates a reliable timeline for your experience outside your own head.  Strong emotion clouds the memory by making events stand out or it can bunch similar stuff together even though 3 months could have passed between events. Second you can reliably look back on events and start seeing patterns and learning from experience.


Mind. Body. Soul.  The three pillars of being present now and in a body.  Like most folks, you probably spend too much time feeding your mind, or searching your soul and not enough time training your body. Building your body up will increase your mental focus, willpower, endurance and ease with which you move through the world, as well as increasing your connection to what it tells you. Your body is like an antenna. Don't ignore it or it's development.  No marathons or kettle bells needed. Any training that pushes your out of your comfort zone is great. A Healthy body makes a healthy mind.

4) Take Your Fucking Meds! - Space Mom Said SO!

Seriously, folks with a predisposition for connection to the Unseen (mediums, artist, musicians) are more sensitive. To EVERYTHING.  That also means that some of the self regulating systems in the body controlled by electrical impulses (heart beat, breathing, memory, mental focus etc) can get knocked out of wack easily.  Sometimes meditation, exercise and energy work can get things back on track.  Sometimes, you need meds.  Most healers I know became so after trying to heal and grow through their own trauma be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.  Some trauma can not be worked through in this life time. No amount of cleansing, sage or chakra balancing is going to get you to your neutral place. That is okay.  That is not bad.  It just means you need a little external help to regulate in this life time.  Find a Doctor you trust and take care of yourself.

5) Journal 

Seriously, this is the most helpful thing to your growth you can do. Do It!

6)  Meditation

I recommend the practice of Mushin - No Mind.  It helps with all the steps and boosts your awareness and emotional regulation. It is much harder than it seems at first.  Just look it up in the internet as I will only butcher trying to summarize it here.

7) Play dumb games. Expect to Win dumb prizes.

If you are a toddler on the path of spiritual growth, please do not hike alone in the woods, exploring a bear sized cave with a steak tied to your neck.  If your are looking to safely grow spiritually and expand your energetic skills, having a few beers with friends and taking a guided tour of your cities most haunted places is not the best idea. Lowered inhibitions, depressed awareness skills, close proximity to places that by their very nature attract hungry bad things that don't care about your highest and greatest good all rolled into one.  Just Don't.

If you are advanced in your skills and are a practitioner, you shouldn't be doing it either.  Why are you going out of your way to make your own life more difficult.  No matter how skilled you are, there are things out there that can sneak up on you, especially if you are over confident.

Just because you can cleanse and shield and remove things does not mean you should seek out situations to test the limits of your skills.

Food for Thought


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