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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Food for Thought - If you are Weak, you have NO BUSINESS doing the Work.

(In this case the Work is defined as advanced cleansing of people, places and things, Enitity removal and full on Exorcisms.) 

Do It! Get It Done! No Excuses. Oh you fell and are sore, well rub some dirt in it and move your ass! Stop Being a Candy Ass and Meditate EVERY DAY! Suck It Up Sponge! Stop gabbing and get to it!

If you find these words offensive, Shut the F#ck UP, you have just proved my point for me.

You are Weak. Weak of Mind. Most Likely Weak of Body and most Certainly Weak of Spirit.

Pisses you off doesn't it? 

To be called weak when you are bona-fides practicing Warrior of the Light,  who removes the dark entities on a daily basis!

But your Butt Hurt away for a moment and Think.  

If I can get in your headspace with a few words and cause an emotional response that has you reaching for the REPORT ABUSE button, what are beings made of thought capable of doing to you?  What are hate filled things, that can whisper to you in your mother's voice, going to say to you as you fall asleep at night? What are things, that can literally make you see something not there or hide the obvious from your eyes, capable of doing to you?  What are things that can implant and alter memories going to do because you did not have the power to stop them?

The only way to have a chance against such things is to have Iron Will.  How does one build an Iron Will?

Through Discipline.  Repetitive, Uncomfortable, Slogging, Painfully slow to cultivate Discipline.  Do the little things every day. Go for the walk. Read the Book.  Stop Doom Scrolling.  Write in your Journal. Build small successes upon small successes over and over again. Do the things you set your mind to.  This is how you build stronger body. A stronger Body makes a stronger Mind. A stronger Mind and Body make a strong Spirit.  You must have all 3 to have the Willpower to do safe and effective work of Cleansing, Clearing and Entity Removal.  If everything goes wrong, you will have built up the Fortitude to see the Work done and to keep your client safe.

"But I am fine just the way I am.  I am whole and perfect and answering my highest calling you say.  I don't need to be strong, I just have to trust in the Divine Assistance that I call down to do the work for my client."

If you are not able to force yourself to do the things that you need to do to stay physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually strong, how in the Hell do you think you can force anything to do what you say?  

You call forth the Guides as you have been taught.  You focus is so weak you can't break through the background noise of humanity around you.

You can Command it?  Bullshit!  You have the conviction of a Limp Noodle.  

Then you can reach out to Source and call for "Angelic Support" to remove the oppressive Entity A?  Please.  What ever shows up when you call will probably be a demon showing you the face of an Angel, or what ever it is you expect to see, and it will make a show of removing the Entity A for you and the client.  In reality, Entity is in the just other room waiting for you to leave.  The Angel faced whatever takes you and the clients offered energy in Thanks, Praise or Prayers and moves along to the next call.

Once you are gone, Entity A hangs back for a bit, lurking.  After a few days, it slowly starts to oppress the client again, this time with a brand new guise.  The client's issues get worse again.

It could never happen to you! You are a trained professional in multiple disciplines, with years of experience and client list as long as your leg! How dare I say such a thing to call into question your ability and character and that of your trusted guides!???

Let's say I am all wrong.  If so, why did that one client come back to see you with such a similar problem, also stemming from entity oppression, only a month later?  Or perhaps the house clearing you did just doesn't seem to stick.

If I am wrong, why do I keep getting referrals of people who have tried "everything and contacted everyone" that are still seeking assistance?

Food For Thought


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