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Friday, December 16, 2022

Love & Light other bullshit fed to Crystal Munching Sage Huffers.

I will not be popular for this. I do not care.

This article is to call your attention to the lack of genuine and current information available about the realms, we as beings of spirit and flesh interact with on a daily basis.  

It is to remind you the are consequences for every action. 

Imagine if you will...

You practice ALL the New Age-Woke Witchy things you learned at the latest 3 day course from  "A Certified Master Instructor" and some more stuff you read about on a really inspiring spiritual blog.

You buy your crystals and charge them in moonlight and you burn your sage because that is what you are supposed to do.  You do your yoga because its a great way to align your chakras according to your cousin.  You focus only on the "light" that permeates everything, just like your instructor taught you.  You let your heart chakra swell and fill the space around you with "unconditional love" where ever you go.  You pour your personal power into your activities, trusting in the purity of your intention to guide you to success just like the book said.

You Namaste your way thru the day like a Rockstar.

You have studied well and absolutely know how the world works.  Universal Light and Love for the win. 

Life is Good.

One day a friend says "Hey I have a bit of a problem, could you do a clearing at my place tonight?"  You agree to help. You have done this for other friends with similar problems. You can wield intangible energies (your Reiki teacher said you had a real talent), and you want to help.  Besides this will be a piece of cake. Just like all the previous times. And then we can chill with food and wine.

You do your most reliable, go to "cleansing ritual" at their place. Afterward, you can feel that all the negative energy is cleared out. Your friend immediately notices the improvement. You hang out drinking wine and snaking on a charcuterie board.  After great time you head home, content in the knowledge you were able to help a friend.

You know you did a service and maybe even earned some good Karma. 

Life is Good.

Over the next few weeks your life path is hitting some bumps. Nothing too major but there is some grey interfering with your light. Your focus falters here and there. Your personal rituals are not as effective at centering and grounding as they once were. You figure you are just off or maybe the change in season is causing interference. 

You have been taught that life has it's cycles of ups and downs. You keep on keepin' on. 

Life is still Good.

Fast forward a month or two. The minor rough patch has extended.  There is less light and love emanating from you, but you don't even notice.  You are easily distracted. Your self care is slipping. You forget to do your personal rituals more often than not. You catch yourself feeling fuzzy and disconnected from your power and the world around you.  When you have a moment of clarity, you think this is not how it was before.  Before when?  Maybe. Maybe a time to learn lessons.  perhaps my guides are telling me to double down on my commitment to being a vessel of Source's unconditional love.

You know "Positive attitude and focused intention on Love and Light can get me over this hump!"

But it never does.  Every day your light fades a little more and your spiritual journey grinds to a halt.  The teachings offer no comfort. The go to rituals seem ineffective. New books and the latest Spiritual seminars help briefly but offer no lasting reprieve.

Life is Not good.


Consider the following:

Scenario #1. You are walking home. It is late and the cold wind is biting. You decide to cut down an alley to save time.  It's a short distance and you have used it before with no issue.  You walk down the middle of the alley and our phone chimes. As you are checking your notification a figure emerges from a door way behind you. Blind to the night due to the phones illuminated screen, you don't see the movement.  The figure sprints towards you and knocks you down. You are sprawled out in an alley dazed. Your phone and bag are gone as is your attacker.

Does being a vessel of universal love save you from a being mugged? Does your connection to the Divine act as a shield to keep your head from bouncing off the asphalt?

Scenario #2.  While on vacation you decide to explore a national forest. You have done day hikes elsewhere before and are comfortable in the woods.  You really are looking forward to exploring this part of the country.  Before you start up the trailhead, you kneel and give thanks for Gaia and her amazing creations as you start your hike.  You carefully make your way thru the wood,s barely disturbing the grass and leaves under your feet.  You don't want to scare off any of the wildlife you have come to see.  After a time, find yourself next to a thicket of wild raspberries. You hear a faint rustle of leaves to your left. You turn, look down and see a fuzzy bear cub waddling out.  It is adorable. It makes a startled squeak when it notices you standing there.  To your right, you hear branches snapping and a growing roar as the freight train of snarling fangs and bristling fur of the mother grizzly barrels towards you.

Does acknowledging the divine in the charging mother bear keep her from eliminating you?  Did your guides and angels assist you in avoiding the dangerous situation?  Does knowing you are an immortal being of infinite spiritual power allow you to "Command" the mother bear to stop?

The physical world around us has a multitude of ecosystems and biomes to explore and experience with all our senses.  To navigate these places we must understand their patterns and how we can safely interact with that environment.  Do you explore the Arctic Tundra wearing only beach clothes?  Would you walk up to a pride of lions holding a gazelle haunch?

Why would any one think that the energetic worlds in contact with out "tangible" reality are any different?  Why would you think your personal spiritual development will keep you safe when interacting with the aetheric worlds? 

The aetheric worlds (astral,elemental etc.) are just as rich and complex as our own world.  There are energetic Eco-systems populated by a myriad of creatures. There are cultures and civilizations aeons older than humanity just on the other side of the Veil. These realities bump into our own in certain places due to similarities in energy.  Other times a bridge is created between multiple realities due to a large expenditure of energy, such the death and suffering as the site of a battle. Many realities within easy reach of those with sensitivity and some skill.

When you try to exert your will/intention/energy past your own space (personal energetic fields and living space) you are interacting with multiple levels of reality. This can occur knowingly (like doing a cleansing for a friend) or unknowingly (an emotionally charged exchange with a family member at a restaurant).  When you do, your energy causes ripples and disturbances in other realities. Doing a thing repeatedly creates a pattern in the ripples.  The size and frequency of your ripples is directly proportionate to the degree of attention you attract from those who occupy the other realities. Some things don't care. Some things notice, are annoyed at their environment being disturbed and move on. 

But there are other things.  Things just as sentient as you or I. Things with life times of experience to draw upon. Things that do NOT care about your highest and greatest good.

Back to the first example. Your attempt at a "cleansing ritual" to assist your friend attracted the attention of one of these beings.  It attached to you like an invisible leech. Slowly so slowly it began feeding on your outpouring of light and love energy. Nothing drastic or immediately noticeable, but you are loosing your ability to be a beacon of positivity in the world. You are unable recharge and reconnect because it has grown strong enough to interfere with those connections.All because you were taught over and over again that if you do not focus on the negative energy it can not harm you.  That Unconditional Love or Pillars of White light from Source would shield you when bad things are about.

Doesn't make you feel warm and fuzzy does it?  It might even get you feeling a little funny in the pit of your stomach.  It causes the tiniest crack in the Truth of what You Know.  So you deny this!  You say, "The things of dark and malice have no sway in my life.  I am good and do my best to help others. How could I possibly be in jeopardy? Light and Love always prevail!"*

Please see scenarios #1 and #2 above.  All the love and all the light will not stop you from winning stupid prizes for playing stupid games.  Think. One of the most cited lines in spiritual materials is "As above So below" from the Emerald Tablet. Among the many interpretations of this line is all that is in the heavens (astral/aetheric realms) is reflected on earth.  Why would those places not have at least a passing similarity to our own?  How could they not be reflections of all the beauty and wonder as well as some of the dangers and hazards found on earth.

What now?  Is the intention of this article to dissuade you from your spiritual growth? To cause paralyzing fear in the unseen around every corner? To cause dread in every waking moment and to become a shut in?




You may watched documentaries on the African Savannah. You have learned about the life cycle of the place. The relationship between hunter and prey.  Does that knowledge terrify you? Probably not.  But when you travel there one day, you will have a healthy respect for the creatures there.  It will be astonishing and miraculous and leave you in awe.  

Perhaps the Ocean is more your speed.  Does watching the documentary about the life in and around the reefs and the shallows fill your heart with dread?  Oh you do not like sharks at all, but there is so much more to the ocean than just the sharks.When you go snorkeling one day, you know that as long as you do not act or smell like prey, any sharks around will ignore you and go about their business.

Your prior knowledge will teach you how to navigate the safest path thru the situation.  It will also increase your experience and growth exponentially.

I call for you to step away from carved in stone Traditions and Teachings.  Put down the latest best selling book on Whatever.  Take a break from the latest Spiritual Awakening Empowerment Seminar rehashing the same lessons taught for the last 30 years. Look at the world around you. Feel its ebb and flow. Listen to its cadence and dissonance as you travel to different places.

Look at yourself. How do you fit in this physical world?  How do you want to fit in this world? How do you wish to interact and fit into the adjacent realities? Are you willing to deal with all the consequences (good, bad or neutral) that your interaction with adjacent realities will have with your physical life?

Do you wish to heal the sick? Do you want to coach the spiritual growth in others? Do you wish to help those who transition from this life to the next and provide support to their loved one? Or perhaps you just want to exist as the best version of yourself spreading that love and light? (I personally like this one the best.)

No matter which path is yours, remember your choices will have consequences. If you wish to help others grow their intuition and spiritual powers,  house clearings may attract undesirable attention to you and your students. If you wish to heal the sick, exploration of morally grey occult knowledge may cloud your abilities or judgement.  If you choose the path of entity removal, things WILL try to remove you from the path and your life may not be easy.

There will be those who guide you, help you, teach you.  But no one has all the answers. 

It is up to you to think critically, use your skills of discernment and choose how you move thorough the worlds. 

Above all, it is your job to do your part in keeping yourself safe and not to rely solely on the protection of the Divine Universe.

Act accordingly.


*Love and light prevail over the darkness for one reason.  Love drives some to commit to taking a stand, to pushing back.  Love drives some people to remove the things that would make you prey.  Love drives individuals who choose to go to the darkest places and to bring back those who were thought lost so their light can brighten the world once again.

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