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Thursday, January 12, 2023

What is an Entity?

An entity is an independent, self-aware consciousness that has no body on the material plain. Plane? playne? F#ck I don't know how to spell apparently.  

That is it.  No fancy stuff or life altering knowledge.

Where entities come from and what are they doing here is a Whole Convoluted Ball of Wax that varies from one discipline to another and one faith to another. 

Let me hit the Major Points most can agree on.

There are things from here (Our physical reality of planet Earth) that lost a body and did not move on (ghosts, Ancestor Spirits, Animal spirits and such.)

There are beings who were created from the congealed thoughts and feelings of people. The more people, the stronger the thoughts and feelings the larger or more cohesive the being is. Some were created with intention to assist humans (think golems or servitors) and others that were created in horrible situations (think WWII concentration camps).  What what used to make them often determines how they will interact with humans.

There are beings who live in the just askew of us on Earth. They are often referred to as the Little Folk, or Fae, depending on your cultural background.  They can interact with our reality and often do so in subtle ways, but almost always in a natural non urbanized environment.

Also, there are entire realities filled with all manner of living things.  In some places, those realities bump into our reality. The overlap areas allow some of the being from there to interact with stuff here in our world. The things never had a body here but can still do stuff  here. 

Let's not forget the alien species who project their consciousness here from distant parts of the universe.

And there are things that can exist in Multiple realities at the same time.  Those that are helpful and respect free will are often referred to as Angels, Spirit Guides etc.  Those that are not beneficial in action and do not respect free-will a often referred to as negative entities.   Back in the day, they would be called devils, demons or imps or whatever.  

Those terms were dropped to remove any attachment to a specific religion.  The terms were also dropped to reduce the fear response in Energy Work practitioners. The ignore "it" and it will have no power over you school of thought is very prevalent.  Too bad that does not work, but that is for another article.

Anyway, those are the basics as of now.  Give it another few weeks and another global crisis and this list may need to be updated.

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