Before you attempt to correct my tone, be aware; I'm not here to be positive. I'm here to do good, and that is not the same thing.

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Friday, February 24, 2023

There is no way to change the world, so why bother? or Why Magic is still valid today.

 First off, I call BULLSHIT!

If you change yourself you create change in the world around you.  Your thoughts, actions and vibe interact with the world around you.  Period.

That is nice you say, but what does it matter when the environment is collapsing, wars are raging, new pandemics are on the horizon, food scarcity is spreading and you can't find a job to cover rent?

The answer is magic.  When humans put their minds to solving a problem, answers come.  The more humans the faster the answers.  The same applies to the larger problems in the world.  There are multiple studies where a group of individuals changed the behavior of people in entire city areas.  

Oh that is New Age Mumbo jumbo you say.  Is is all recent rose colored stories by biased media sources. No.  Please read the article here from the US Department of Justice from 1981 or this one from the New York Times in 1993. 

The energy people generate does change reality.  The ability to collect, harness and shape energy is also known as magic.

Magic changes the world everyday.

So what are you going to use your magic to change?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stop Teaching Bullshit! - I can teach ANYONE to Castout Spirits!

Um. No.

Let me put it this way.  Can you as a person, right now, slam dunk a basketball on a regulation net?  Probably not. If I show you how to dunk a basketball, does witnessing me dunk a basketball make you capable of dunking?  No.  If a sports scientist explains in immense detail the body mechanics, the physics, the anatomical functions and the technique required for a person to successfully dunk a basketball can you now dunk a basketball? No.  If you have a stadium full of people believing and cheering you on can you now dunk a basketball? Probably not. With sport specific training a few years of dedication and one on one coaching could you dunk a basketball? Possibly.  But probably not.

There are things that no matter how hard you visualize the outcome or train or practice or have coaching sessions about, you can not physically do.  The same goes with energy work. As a soul piloting a body to experience this reality, the potential of your body is also a limiting factor on your ability to move energy outside of your own body.

You can train and expand your ability to your maximum potential, but there will be a hard limit.  If you try to push past that limit, you can cause damage to your systems.  Things such as headaches, Light worker Flu, diminishing of abilities or body tremors are good signs you have pushed too far and too hard. Most of the time, slowing down and decreasing the intensity of you work will allow you to regain your health and abilities.  If by some trick or technique, you do push past your absolute limits, you risk permanent loss of energy manipulation abilities, irreparable physical damage or death. (Psychic feed back from unwilling and stronger beings and surges are a real thing.)

While this might not gel well with the story you wish to create of your life, it is important to realize everyone has limitations. Everyone also has specialties.  You may never pick up the back end of a car but you may paint a fantastic still life that brings joy. You may not be able to cast out a demon from a client, but you may be able to use reiki techniques to release your own trauma to be the best you possible.

Lean into your strengths and get creative. You can use your energy to make the world a better place.


Food for Thought - All Doom All the Time!

Well. Because it is.  This is reality.  The really real world we all co-habitate is a shitty place. There is chaos and destruction and impending doom as far as the eye can see. You are absolutely right in seeing the world this way. 

I am not going to say that the war in Ukraine is good or that it should be ignored.  I am not saying the rattling of sabers regarding nukes is makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  I am not saying that the Rise of the Religious Right Nationalists should be welcomed in the US and abroad.  Starvation. Famine. Disease. Plague. Yup it may as well be the 16th century again recorded on a Go-Pro for many.

It. Is. All. Fucked.

So what are you going to do about it?  "Not a damn thing" you say, "because the problems are too big and far reaching."  You shout there is no point in doing anything beyond wailing and gnashing of teeth awaiting the impending doom from indestructible pig hybrids from Canada, or the Singularity taking control of all WiFi enabled devices or some ego-maniacal Russian F#ck Stick, (Yeah Putin I curse you and your spawn) or China and North Korea Playing Dumb Games.

I say "Get Fucked."  Yes I said that to you.

Stop wasting your energy and time running in circles. Make a Fucking Choice and Do Something!


What are YOU going to do instead of wasting energy worrying about things you can not control? Donate your resources to an ethical charity doing good works in your community.  No such organization.  Then Make One. Make a stack of sandwiches and pass them out to any one holding a sign saying they are hungry. Make blessing bags and pass them out (Bottle of water, 3-4 non-persiable snacks, 2 pairs of new socks and a couple of heavy duty large trash bags in a gallon Ziplock bag)  No cash?  Donate your time at a soup kitchen. Give your coat to the person begging on the corner. Shovel your neighbors walkway when it snows.  Got left overs you can't finish. Box them up and give it to someone in need.

Very few of us have the ability to create massive change, but every single one of us has the ability to help another human being even if it is to give them a genuine warm smile.

Food For Thought


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Food for Thought - Stop Making Things Worse!

 I was told by a friend and colleague to watch a "reality" show. I was hesitant due to the title but I gave it a go. During the middle of the first episode of season 2, I was dumbstruck.  End of the Second episode I was really getting worked up. Half way through the Third Episode (Season 1 Episode 1), I turned it off because I was yelling at the TV.  

I thought about what to do.  Should I just let it slide? Should I reach out to the producers of the show to offer to help? Would it be wise to call the show out by name?  Could this cause drama in my professional life?  Might this turn away potential clients?

I meditated on the issue to reach a solution.

Bullshit is bullshit and I am tired of seeing idiots make money putting people in danger.

Time for my happy butt to step up on a Soap Box. Again.

The show is Murder House Flip.  The show changes the cosmetics of dwelling where homicide(s) occurred to help the current home owners make it their own.  That is good. Establishing ownership is very important when changing the energy of a place.  You need make it your own.

Given the amount the hosts and residents commented on the feel and energy of the place was negative, what did they do about it? Nothing was mentioned about clearings, cleansing by the staff of the show. Oh sure they took out the blood soaked floor and threw it away.  Did they get rid of all the trauma attached to the studs and joists?  Did they think to cleanse everything that was removed so it did not just spread its contained hate an madness at the dump or recycling center?  (I did see one couple say they burned sage and said some prayers when they first moved in.)  I saw no indication of energy clearing anywhere.

So, the show employees come in, knock out walls, rip up floors and replace fixtures. And removes all of the layers of energy and ownership the family has built up while living there, while stirring up all of the dormant energies and entities. And introduces the stress of the workers and production staff operating under a 5 day deadline. 

The family is grateful and happy at the change in the house but oblivious that the underlying problems may well have been exacerbated.

Yeah, I am sure nothing will go wrong.

Food For Thought


Screw you @Murder House Flip producers, your ignorance and your arrogance.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Food for Thought - Mental Health and Demons

Mental illness and entity oppression go hand in hand.


Entities, like any other predator, will go for the easiest food.  (click here for more information)

If there are natural instabilities in the physical systems (chemical imbalances, seizures (electrical storms in the brain) etc) then it is easier for beings made of pure energy to influence or even temporarily hijack the mind and body of an individual.

The world is jacked up.  The more people come to that realization, with the Great Pause during the pandemic) the more it affects their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.  How does one cope with the the feelings of futility?  Drugs.

Doctors prescribe SSRIs to people who are fighting dispair & depression.  People self medicate with alcohol & marijuana just to get thru another day.  People abusing pharmaceuticals or those looking to get lost in opium, heroin. 

All of these people's mental health is suffering.  All of these people are turning to external substances to help. All of these people are risking hitting the Chemical Eject button to escape from their pain. And that makes for a VERY inviting food source and temporary host for energetic predators.

Am I saying don't have fun? No.  Am I saying you should engage in risky behaviour? No.  Am I saying to not take your Doctor prescribed meds? NO.

What I am saying is that when people are hurting they can attract entities.  If you "check out" to cope you are vulnerable.  If you are aware of your vulnerablilty, then you can take steps to be safe.

Take the safest meds you can to regulate the pain. Regain your balance. Regain your strength. Regain your focus. Regain your Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual health.

Just be careful how, when and where you cut loose.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Deep Dive - The Balance is Broken

This is not a philosophical musing.  It is an observation made over 20+ years.  For ease of communication, please assume "good" means something in alignment with the highest and greatest good of humanity, "neutral" is indifferent towards humanity and "bad" is in opposition to the good of humanity. And yes I see you in the back saying "wait a minute, but what about this specific example?"  To communicate the ideas as easily as possible we are going to use the broad paint brush of generalities.

Older traditions of magic were built around a self correcting homeostatic balance model of existence.  It was taught that there were good things, neutral things and bad things.  That there were safe places, neutral places and dangerous places. There were right ways and wrong ways of doing things.  Sometimes the light had the upper hand, sometimes the dark had the upper hand but it was always in a see saw balance.  Life was life hard at times, great at others but you got a relatively even shot at living it how you chose with minimal interference from the Unseen.  That is not the case any more.

There are an increasing number of "bad" entities interacting with the humans. This has thrown off the balance between "Good" and "Bad" and tipped the scales to the negative side.

Think about it for a minute. There has been an ramping up in the Unseen world interacting with our "Reality" since the early 2000s.  More ghost signings, more UFOs, more paranormal activity and more interactions with bad entities.  So much so that there has been a marked increase in need for spiritual assistance to deal with negative forces across all faiths.  For example, the Catholic Church does not have enough exorcists to meet the increasing demand.  

There are more bad entities about now feeding on the negative emotions of people. With this increase in entity presence the more severe situations become more common.  (I have personally dealt with entire low-income housing complexes and apartment buildings oppressed by negative entities. And the need has increased in the past 5 years.)

Okay fine. Why is this happening now and not before?

Point 1 - Population Explosion due to increase in agricultural technology.  More cheaper food lead to an increase in the sustainable human population. More humans equal more food.

Point 2 - Over the last century advances in travel technologies have lead to a great number of people moving around the planet and interacting with people in far away places.  The world is one flight away for many people.  Think about the "average business person" for a moment. Focused on success at their specific business en-devour. They travel across the country and across the world selling, buying, meeting and interacting with a myriad of people. How many practice any kind of energetic cleansing rituals?  Every one of those individuals is a potential host to an entity.

Point 3 -  Increase in people passing thru bad places, picking up bad things.  The native population knows the valley is cursed and stays away.  Then one day a foreign military force uses that valley to move undetected.  Highly stressed emotionally charged combatants walking right through the living space of the bad things that live in the valley.  Human emotion for consumption delivered hot and fresh to your door.

(ex. About a decade ago, I had a client, a loquacious former Naval E.O.D officer.  Based upon the attachments on his person, I told him some of the places he had been during his 20 years service.  He would neither confirm nor deny my accuracy for security reasons, but he got VERY quiet when I named some specific places and specific times.)

Point 4 - Humans are physically different than 100 of even 50 years ago.  Plastics in our food, hormones in the water, GMOs that do not increase the nutrition of the food, pesticides on our grass.  Humans are being assaulted on all physical fronts with harmful interactions that disrupt our over all functionality.

Point 5 - Human perception is slanted to the negative right now.  People in general, especially since the pandemic live in a constant state of underlying dread. The constant connectedness provided by the internet and wi-fi are skewed to increase fear, drama and (viewership and profits) is contributing to the problem little is created to inform or educate without crating more conflict or agitation in the consumer.  Consumption of social media is often referred to as "Doom Scrolling" for a reason. This creates a population distracted by cyberspace and ripe with negative emotion.

Point 6 - Humans are disconnected from nature. How many folks never leave the concrete jungle.  Urban sprawl has taken away the green space and reduced the ability for humans to flush negativity form the system and reset.

Point 7 - There are new things here that don't care about the "Rules". Y2K did not bring the melt down of all technology.  Due to large populations and their combined belief and fear, it did usher in a New Age, but not for the better.  Add fear of the 2012 change and all hell has broken loose.  Instabilities in the Veil have allowed easier passage of things.

A new species of thing has arrived and it does not care about the balance or the rule of free will. They adapt and hunt freely far and wide.

Point 8 - Traditional practices have not adapted to the shifted paradigm of the human physiology and world around us. Many practitioners I have encountered acknowledge the increase in bad entities and their influence on clients.  But their tradition does not address entities that were not present in our reality 50 years ago.Click here for more info.

Food for Thought - Your Shielding Does Nothing

Good. I got your attention.  Now read on.

Practitioners create energetic shielding around themselves to augment their standard auric field.  Various traditions and visualizations are used with varying effectiveness. It does not matter how good or bad it is, he truth is simple.  Your shielding fails the second you touch someone.

Touch trumps all shielding.

When you reach out to shake a hand, bump a fist or hi five or hug another person, you willingly allowed them past all your defenses and gave them direct contact with the energies of your physical and energetic body.

People whose auras are strong and have no holes in the exterior layer or "Bubble", will have little to no issue with this.  These people are very few and far between in these modern times.  To many, physical, mental, geo-pathic and energetic stresses and not enough time in nature leave them with out of balance and weakened Auric and energetic fields. 

Now, take into account that many practitioners are wounded healers. Some wounds may never heal in this life time and the wounds and scars can be weak points.

So if you have healed all your trauma, are 100% balanced and in tune with all of the Universe, congratulations, you have just become and Ascended master like the Buddha or Jesus and are not reading this right now.

The rest of the population is flawed, unbalanced and cracked and in a constant state of growth and death and rebirth while riding an emotional roller coaster on meth. That is perfect. That means that they are doing it right because that is what humans are meant to be doing here! Humans are meant to experience and evolve. Neither process is easy or controlled and leaves lots of stretches and tears in our energetic bubble.

That also means that no matter how well you shield yourself, when you make physical contact, what ever that person is AND what ever is in, on or around them has direct access to you.

Food for Thought


Food for Thought - Evangelical Religious Right Spellcasters

Follow along for a minute.

A spell is a spoken or written pronouncement intended to bring about a specific effect.To cast is to cause to move by throwing. To intentionally put that energy out into the universe.  

Prayer is intentionally sending your energy and intention to create or influence a specific outcome. (Yes I know prayers for intecetion are in the grey area because they ask for a Higher Power, in It's Wisdom and Mercy, to help do a thing if it is in accordance with It's divine plan. We are talking about hate prayer here. Simple as that.)

Prayer = Spell-casting

Prayer with a malicious intent, to harm or to control the thoughts, actions, etc of another = Negative Spell-casting

Negative spell-casting is Black Magik and is very very frowned upon.

Please scan the recent headlines.  Protest Here.Violence there.  Backwards Laws showing Religious Idealogical Favoritism and exclusion and censorship of thought and ideas that do not toe the line. Praying for the down fall or harm of individuals or groups of people that do not agree or support their ideology.

Hate and intolerance spewed from the pulpit and the sheeple in the pews lap it up as if it mana delivered by angelic messenger from the lips of God.  The rise of the Right Wing Evangelical Christian movement has all the earmarks of a Destructive Cult.  It has wormed it's way into politics and then causes laws to be written in alignment with intolerance and hate.  Physical conflict instigated by professed members of this movement shuts down all discourse with a "Might makes Right" stance.

And then there is the "Prayer".  One person leads the congregation into an agitated emotional and mental state.  The leader focuses the thought and emotions of those people towards a specific person or group. The leader makes repetitive and escalating comments to insight more emotion from the group. Often saying statements such as, "It is God's will that these people must be cast out straight to Hell!" or "They are an ambomination to God's Law and must put to the Lord's judgement!" The response is cheers and shouts of "Amen" from the group. 

When the passions of the group are at the zenith, the leader calls for the group to "Bow your heads in prayer". Silence falls and the leader speaks, calling into focus the worst "Sinners" and expressing what should happen to these individuals or groups.

Summoning energy from a large group.  Focusing it.  Selecting a Target.  Intending harm to be the result. Then releasing all of that focused energy like a homing missile.

That sounds like some Straight up Black Magik bullshit to me.

Food for Thought



Friday, February 3, 2023

Food For Thought - I Can Do It Myself!

Doctors make the worst patients.  Everyone has heard that phrase.  And there is truth there.  Doctors are by and large very knowledgeable, very experienced and have had to make life and death decisions regarding patients on a semi regular basis.  It is a ridiculous pressure cooker sleep deprived stress all of a journey JUST to get the MD, before they can start working.

This also creates an air of superiority to other professionals.  Some even develop a "God Complex" because they have the ability to perform amazing procedures.  On average Doctors are viewed as the experts in the Room (I hear my nurse friends laughing).  And as such, Doctors do not like to have their opinion questioned or second guessed.

So when Doctors have a personal problem they often ignore it since they know best. If the problem persists, they may self diagnose and take the "Usually Prescribed Steps" to correct the issue. When they finally accept something may be wrong and outside of their control (usually it is family pushing them to do this in my experience), they must check their Ego and seek assistance from another doctor.  Usually they seek an expert or specialist in that field since by title and focus this physician knows more about the issues than other doctors.

Does any of this sound wrong?  I think most of you reading this will agree this is about how it plays out.

If you would for a moment, re-read the frist three paragraphs and replace Doctor and Physician with any type of Energy-worker (Medium, Card Reader, Medical Intuitive, Psychic etc.).

Food for Thought
