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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Why Should I Listen to a "Freelance Exorcist"?

Why should you listen to me? 


Because I am tired. 

I am tired of random people getting hurt by things they know nothing about. I am tired of novices being given faulty information that is dangerously out of date or criminally ineffective. I am tired of children continuing being hurt because there is no credible information to help discern fact from fiction, experience from imagination.  I am tired of being the one called by priests when it all goes wrong.  I am tired of having to tell people that their loved ones are too far gone for help.


I am tired of all of it.


I have a very specific skill-set and area of expertise. I know about and deal with all of the things that reside in the "darkness" you were told to avoid or ignore. These skills have been earned with sacrifice, blood, pain and years of my life. With the use of the skills has come knowledge about the realities of the Aethric realms, their inhabitants and their interaction with what we collectively agree is our "current" reality. 

Maintaining maximum efficacy in my profession requires that I maintain awareness of changes in the patterns and interactions with the "Unseen."

Do I know all that is happening in any or all realities? No. Do I have all the answers regarding "Evil" entities? Also no.  (Anyone who says they have all the answers is lying.)

What I can offer is knowledge, techniques and practices that can assist you in your life journey, regardless of your personal experience, philosophy or religious affiliation.

Why do I offer these things?

Because I am tired.

If sharing these lessons and encouraging the usage of these techniques helps one person get through a dark time, helps one family protect their child or prevents one "worst case scenario" incoming call it is worth it to me.


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