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Sunday, December 11, 2022

What is a "Freelance Exorcist"?

It started when a networking group leader asked for my 10 second "elevator speech" to introduce myself and pitch my skills.  I responded with "Hi, my name is A. and I am a Freelance Exorcist..."  For the rest of my pitch I had everyone's undivided attention.

Freelance is a term coined by Sir Walter Scott in Ivanhoe. It describes a lordless knight who sells his lance (and military skill) to the highest bidder.

Exorcist is  from the late 14th century Latin exorcista, "one who drives out evil spirits."

I am an individual who specializes in removing the unseen things that cause tangible troubles for people, places and organizations.  Over the past 20 years the rise in need for entity removals, oppression removals and full exorcisms has gone unmet by the existing institutions and organizations.  By a chance of fate, I discovered my specific skill set.  I was able to help a person in physical and mental danger from unseen forces.  From that day, I was called to do the "Work".  

I answered.

I offer non-denominational services and support.  My days are spent cleansing properties to assist in selling, doing "Energy Worker Tune-Ups" for other practitioners and consulting.  My clients are from a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines.  This means I am just as comfortable working with a Coven as a Catholic Priest, with an atheist or a real estate developer, with the owners of a Tattoo shop or C level executives.

I operate outside the support structure provided by religious institutions. This means there is less "red tape" to navigate to get your request for assistance heard. It also means I manage all of the tasks myself.  To meet the growing need of clients, the "Work" has evolved. My skills have evolved as well to encompass intake specialist, social worker, psychologist, paranormal investigator, historian, demonologist, case manager, occult scholar, life coach, mediator and unfortunately at times grief counselor.

Being "Freelance" also provides me with a unique perspective.  I am able to access additional resources and modalities that representatives from certain more conservative religious institutions would find "troublesome" or "heathen".  I am able to honor many traditions and backgrounds to resolve issues with out creating more conflict.  I can and do use any tool that will get the job done.

My goal is simple, help people in need.

If you are in need, your religious affiliation does not matter. If you are need, your background does not matter.  If you are in need your gender, political view, etc don't matter.

If you ask for help, I will answer.


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